On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> Hi Przemek and all,
> One important issue came to my mind, namely the
> renaming of Harbour core libraries, to have the
> "hb" prefix on them, as we've planned and already
> agreed on not long ago.
> I can do this on the weekend, but since this
> would be a move which would definitely stir up
> users, since all make files will need to be
> modified, I was reluctant to do it so far. But

Not all. Users who use hb* scripts will not see any
difference. The main problem is that they are available
only on platforms with bash.
But we will have to update our own make files for each
platform and this will have to be tested.

> still I feel it would be important to separate
> Harbour from other present or future products.
> Shall I do this renaming now?

OK, please do it if all can be done in this weekend.
Better now then never. I also had some problems with
name conflicts here so I agree that it's a problem.
Though maybe we should try to create one big library
f.e. harbour.lib instead? In such case I suggest to
leave it now and make modifications in the future
after 1.0 release.
Anyhow any modifications should be done fast. We are all
blocked by the release state and there is a lot of other
changes and extensions frozen by it so we have to finish
it ASAP. We cannot expect that developers will be interested
in some projects enough to wait for months to realise them.
We will never reach the state when we all will be happy from
current code and can say that there is nothing more to improve
so sometimes we have to take an arbitrary decision. I think
that in one and a half of month we can have version 1.0 and
begin to work on many other things.

BTW H in HVM is from harbour so do not create HBHVM but HBVM ;-)
and rather leave names of GT* libraries as they are. GT seems
to be quite good prefix too, f.e.:
Please remember that first five letters have to be significant
for DJGPP DOS8.3 build where LIB prefix is used. You can use
longer names but after stripping to 8.3 format they should be

best regards,
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