Hi Pritpal,

About 2GB of memory xHabour in Win32 BCC 5.5/32b (Intel Core2Duo 4GB RAM) 
report error 9009 in hb_xrealloc.

#2: Error irrecuperable 9009:
#3: hb_xrealloc no puede reubicar la memoria

The same code executes fine in xHarbour and .
What xHarbour or system are you use?
How much memory manages the program?

Best regards,

Pritpal Bedi escribió:
Function Main()
   Local i
   Local a_:={}
   Local aRecs := {}

   for i := 1 to 100000
      a_:= RetArray()
      aadd( aRecs, a_ )
      ? i

   Return nil

Static Function RetArray()

   Return afill( array( 76 ), '2134565424' )

At about 20000 iterations (appx 1/5th) application terminates without
showing up any error.

The same code executes fine in xHarbour and .

What I am missing? Compilation switch or it is a bug ? I suspect mem reallocation issue.

Pritpal Bedi

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