On Thursday 09 October 2008 02:38:03 pm Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Oct 2008, Teo Fonrouge wrote:
> Hi Teo,
> > Do you know why the header of some files is different if you download the
> > file by following the links provided by sourceforge.net ?
> > i.e. if you download the file from the following link (a tar gz file):
> > http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/harbour-project/trunk/h
> >arbour.tar.gz?view=tar It will contain the full harbour source tree of
> > files, however, if you check the heading of the "ChangeLog" file against
> > the one in the local svn copy, you'll see:
> > The heading of the file in the local copy:
> > -------------------------------
> > /*
> >  * $Id: ChangeLog 9588 2008-10-09 12:29:02Z tfonrouge $
> >  */
> > -------------------------------
> > The heading of the file contained in the tarball:
> > -------------------------------
> > /*
> >  * $Id$
> >  */
> > -------------------------------
> Yes, it's standard behavior.
> > This difference causes that it fails the creation of the hbverbld.h from
> > hbpp. And for this reason, currently it's not possible to create packages
> > from a tarball downloaded directly from the SVN at sourceforge.net
> > May be we need to find an alternative method to make hbpp to obtain the
> > info needed to create the hbverbld.h file.
> I introduce automatic revision number storing to eliminate the
> problem we had checking which version user used reporting the
> problem and to verify the final binaries. Personally I'm finding
> it very usable and I can easy confirm the version used by user.
> F.e. see my recent message to Phil. Believe me that it helps and
> safe time. Unfortunately keyword fields are not resolved when you
> download tarball directly from SVN.

Hello Przemek,

Agree, definitively we must keep this feature.

> We can change hbpp to ignore missing keywords and always generate
> hbverbld.h file. But in such case we will have binaries without
> revision number.
> We can also make trick and add hbverbld.h to SVN. In such case it
> will be periodically updated if developer makes clean build before
> commit though it will always have revision number one less then the
> user commit so it may introduce more confusions then help.


> I'd prefer <unknown> as revision number instead of wrong number.
> If you find it useful then I can change hbpp to ignore unexpanded
> keywords and replace them by sth like "<unknown>".

Please do that, at least, it won't stop users that wish build Harbour from the 
tarball obtained directly from sourceforge.

best regards,

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