This should work regardless of our static vs. dynlib issue.
So it's off topic.

No. It's pefectly related to your arguments.
Such scirpts needs strict hbrun localization.

Then, everyone who needs this functionality should
install Harbour. That's it.

The same is with shared library.

Fine, but unrelated. Please don't force it to me if
I don't need it. So called "installation" is an alien
thing in OS X, whether you believe it or not. Harbour
is nothing more special than any user programs around
OS X, so it shouldn't behave differently, unless
someone wants to make it extremely complicated. Like you,
who admittedly don't deal with OS X at all.

All your problems with shared library is the fact that you do
not put it in default OS directory.

Yes, and this exactly how I intend to use it.

Please tell me (3rd time) how would I install Harbour 1.0.1
and Harbour 1.1.0dev at the same time then?

So please explain me how you plan to make harbour binaries for MacOSX
which will put hbrun in /usr/bin and I'll kindly ask to make the same
with harbour*.dyn

I don't need these things. I want to build Harbour programs
and occasionally use hbrun, hbmk without tampering in any
OS dirs.

Everything will work out of the box.

_I don't want to do sudo/install or any such tricks_.

I simply want to build/download and use it. I don't want
hbrun in scripts, nor .dylib access.

If there is sth else wrong with share libraries support in MacOSX
then it should be fixed. 99% of job is already done so I hope MacOSX
user can tune the rest. I'm sorry but I cannot make everything myself.

The only thing wrong is that hbrun is dependent on it.

If it will be necessary then you can make system wide and user wide
installation. I hope that MacOSX has such functionality and it's not
necessary to install everything in each user account.

I don't want installation. The solution is called static linking,
nothing else is needed, I have it working right here with a private
build. Only hbmk -static requirement is there as a remaining PITA.

If you do not have working complex solution then please do not change
current behavior for your personal preferences because it highly possible
that such modificaiton will have to be reverted after user will have
adopted their code for it.

Sorry, I don't understand this sentence.

The only one think I want to ask you is to stop adding workarounds
but invest time in creating some final and working solution.

"stop adding workaround" means what? When did I start it?

I'd suggest you to deal with Linux, and I'll do my best
to make current Harbour work on OS X.


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