I agree moving to example

>For me Is not a problem. I am not using adordd in my project
>I tryed verify if possible remove same problem (present using sample!)
>posting here the three problem and I can't find any solution
>In other free and open source project i have found different result
>This is my Last mail on this argument
>>ADORDD is a free and open source RDD. It seems to me as you don't understand 
>>the real meaning of that :-)[/quote]

2009/10/12 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
> Hi All,
> In case there are no objections and nobody volunteers to touch
> RDDADO code to make it work after xhb sync and maybe some other
> recent changes, I'd like to propose to delete it from repository
> or move it to examples.
> We have RDDSQL as a nice replacement, even if write support
> isn't fully equivalent (or maybe some other differences I
> failed to grasp).
> Having a non-working RDDADO has not much point IMO, and we're
> approaching a final release.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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