Never aimed to reuse or xbp files or preserve xbp format, but to recover the
concept of embedded subproject. hbmk2 IS the Harbour builder and .hb* files
are the standard format.
The target is to have a generated hbp file capable to rebuild not only the
source of the main project, but also the linked library declared as
subproject, including i.e. hbc files as subprojects.
Maybe a directive to declare that the lib isn't only to be linked, but also
to be edited and, if needed, rebuilded could do the job. hbIde could
recognize this parameter and could allow to open also the subproject sources
in the editor and after, at build time, assure that the lib declared as
subprojects are parsed by hbmk2 BEFORE the build of the main project. This
is what xMate smartly does.
If you are parallely developing a production/test program and a subset of
libraries on that you're working hard, the benefits of this approach is
unvaluable in terms of clarity, speed and safety. Try to make the same job
with other project managers, also very effective as xDevStudio, and you'll
return quickly to xMate...
After the growth of hbmk2 to powerful and mature tool, quite all the jobs of
a project manager could be obtained also with a good configuration of a
smart editor as Notepad++, but this concept is very hard to implement out of
an integrated tool.
Best regards,

Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> It would be quite a huge waste of effort if hbide would 
> reinvent the whole feature set of hbmk2.
> IMO it should be able to create .hbp files for each project 
> on the fly (from the file lists and options set on the GUI) 
> and call hbmk2 to do this job.
> Overall I think .xbp file compatibility is unimportant, 
> but of course hbide could use something similar to store 
> the file list and options. Ideally it should store these 
> in .hbp files. This will need a hbmk2 compatible option 
> parser.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
> On 2009 Nov 18, at 10:44, Maurizio la Cecilia wrote:
>> Again, about hbIDE, i would know what Pritpal and the community thinks
>> about
>> some choices i believe strategical in the new project.
>> A) A feature of xMate that i think needs to be absolutely present in
>> hbIDE
>> is the project embedding. I can, i.e., define a production project
>> enumerating the own files AND adding to xbp also the linked subprojects
>> (also xbp, of course) as the engine library project, the gui library
>> project, and so on. This declaration allows to build in cascade the
>> subprojects and the main project if some change was made in any source,
>> not
>> important if of main or sub projects. Also, the open file allows to work
>> in
>> the same instance of xMate editing any source of main or sub projects.
>> B) Another very useful tool is the formatter. Obviously, the better
>> choice
>> is to integrate the hbformat work of Alex Kresin published in the
>> contrib,
>> after investigating if it lacks of some feature of the highly
>> configurable
>> formatter of xMate. If is needed some aid about this tool, i could be
>> useful.
>> C) A lack (but maybe the only important) of xMate is about the tiled and
>> aligned windows, so is needed to open two instances of xMate and to
>> arrange
>> the windows manually to see two sources simultaneously. The behaviour of
>> the
>> first hbIDE release mantains the same as xMate, so i think better to
>> evaluate if a tab rearranging or a MDI approach could be a solution.
>> Waiting for your thought about.
>> Best regards.
>> Maurizio la Cecilia
>> Maurizio la Cecilia wrote:
>>> Hi Pritpal,
>>> as very hot fan of xMate and happy user of the product of Andy, i would
>>> partecipate to your new project.
>>> You can count on me surely as betatester and, due to prg based
>>> development, also in working on not critical pieces of the project, if
>>> you
>>> need.
>>> Many thanks for your effective work, and best regards.
>>> Maurizio la Cecilia
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