>-----Original Message-----
>From: Massimo Belgrano [mailto:mbelgr...@deltain.it] 
>Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 7:14 PM
>To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>Subject: Re: [Harbour] hbvpdf
>I have made this routine that is able to convert one or more 
>file asci in txt txt2pdf I hope that maj be usefull for learn 
>compile using hbhpdf.hbc
>read info abour hbharu at 
> */
>#include "harupdf.ch"
>Function Main( cFileToRead, cFileToSave )
>  if empty( cFiletoRead )
>     cFiletoRead:= "txt2pdf.prg"
>  endif
>  if empty( cFileToSave )
>     cFileToSave := "txt2pdf.pdf"
>  endif
>  HANDLE := fcreate("read.max")

Where is HANDLE defined ?

Marek Horodyski
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