But, try what? Forcing plain mingw on a DWARF build? 
Why is this good? Please report errors, I don't have 
capacity to make investigation for every such report.

Please keep a separate DWARF and non-DWARF mingw 
build and set PATH accordingly and let autodetection 
do its work.

Probably I'll remove DWARF support from SVN, as it 
seems too problematic for us. At least I don't have 
time to support it.


On 2009 Dec 3, at 23:22, Massimo Belgrano wrote:

> Try with a HB_COMPILER=mingw
> 2009/12/3 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>
> > your trick require SET HB_COMPILER not created with SET HB_COMPILER=mingw 
> > dwarf2 seem not work
> Sorry I don't understand. Here it doesn't require HB_COMPILER
> this was the whole point of modification.
> Brdgs,
> Viktor
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