>> continues about the mingw project. First they use .lzma 
>> extension instead of well-known .7z. Fine. Then they insist 
> they are by far not the same. .lzma to .7z is what .gz is to .zip,
>> on using .tar inside the .7z file, which is a solid archive 
>> anyway, so .tar doesn't give any size advantages. Then they
> hence the need for a container, which they chose to be tar (probably 
> because 7z can't, or they thought it can't store attributes they 
> needed) (it probably can).

It's still an insane idea. Even .tar.gz is insane on Windows.
OpenSSL source still cannot be untarred. It caused days of 
time wasting with cegcc. I could go on. Insane.

>> insist on using *nix links inside the .tar meant for 
>> the Windows platform which doesn't have support for such 
>> links.
> technically, it does, has had for quite some time.

I know it exists, but no tool can handle it. Tar for sure not.
At least I couldn't find one in 10 years.

> practically, if i had to pick between using these features of ntfs and 
> the cheese greeter, i'd probably pick the cheese greeter.

Hm, what is a cheese greeter? :o


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