
Sorry but I do not see any problem so I cannot advice you any solution.
You have to precisely define what you need and why.

From Xavi's sample:

HANDLE wapi_par_HANDLE( int iParam )
   void ** ph = ( void ** ) hb_parptrGC( NULL, iParam );

   return (ph ? ( HANDLE ) *ph : ( HANDLE ) hb_parptr( iParam ));

I guess, he is trying to avoid logic of GC pointers. Or maybe, some code is not ported to GC pointers and he wants to mix both versions of code. The problem of plain hb_parptr() is that in case of GC pointers it returns GC block (but not HWND; one more dereference is required), in case of simple pointers it returns raw HWND.

I guess it would be better if Xavi learn GC idea, and adopt some old or his own libraries to GC pointer style instead of trying to hack GC pointers code.


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