Thank you very much Mindaugas,

I'm trying to mix both versions but when the address of the HB_GC_FUNCS is not 
available I don't know how to do it.
Yes, thank you Przemek, I can do the same with .-

HANDLE wapi_par_HANDLE( int iParam )
   PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_POINTER );

   if( pItem && pItem->item.asPointer.collect )
      return ( HANDLE ) *(( void ** )pItem->item.asPointer.value);

   return ( HANDLE ) ( pItem ? pItem->item.asPointer.value : NULL );

But I'm using internal HB_ITEM structure and also is wrong.

I use examples of hbwin because is in the repository and it's adapt well.
Try to imagine that wapi_CreateMutex() is in an external library.
How to do wapi_WaitForSingleObject() to accept the mutex?

Best regards,
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