On Mon, 01 Feb 2010, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:


> Related to this: My app doesn't need exclusive mode, 
> but there are still a few typical places where it is 
> used: pack and reindex (and structure change) operations.
> If POSIX doesn't support exclusive access, what is the 
> recommended way to open a table for above operations 
> if I want to avoid issues in multiuser scenarios?

In POSIX systems EXCLUSIVE mode is emulated by Harbour so it
allow to sync different applications and threads if each of
them uses compatible emulation.
The fact that POSIX does not support EXCLUSIVE mode only means
that nothing stops other applications which do not respect our
emulation against opening the same files. This is also true for
file servers like SAMBA. If SAMBA does not use compatible
EXCLUSIVE mode emulation (and it really doesn't) then it means
that both native and remote MS-Windows application can open
the same file in EXCLUSIVE mode simultaneously. If application
needs EXCLUSIVE mode to synchronize some RDD operations between
native POSIX applications executed locally and some remote
applications then it should use for remote access HBNETIO.
It's not necessary to use HBNETIO for local access.

best regards,
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