
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Referencing objects using wildcards is very error prone, 
> and cannot be considered good practice. Build process just 
> drops control over what's included and what's not. F.e. 
> it only works reliably for clean builds. (Also, *.o picks 
> everything, while we only need *_dyn.<obj> on some other 
> platforms, so it's also not portable and generic solution)
> So I don't want to do such simplification, even if it's 
> allowed by some tools.
> I still think the solution here is fixing OS/2 toolchain.
> Spending time to develop hacks to work around such 3rd 
> party bugs is not very optimal.

Sure, I agree with you, I'm just fearing it could take _a long_ time before
the tool chain can be fixed, so I was looking at this as a work-around for the
OS/2 platform only.

Anyway, given we have the command line for ld we should be able to make it
work even with full objects specification.


|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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