Compilation process is obviously slower than for 
a non-optimizing compiler, also for .prg since 
it's also compiled by C compiler.

Here it should be noted that plain -gc2 built 
.c files can just be compiled using any C compiler 
option (ie. without optimization), since it cannot 
be optimized anyway. [ maybe such optimization can 
be added to hbmk2, to turn off C compiler optimization 
in this scenario. But it can be done manually as well, 
for those who use default <= -gc2 options. ]

[ In -gc3 mode the situation is different, but 
-gc3 isn't very good for app level code in general. ]

Anyway for interim / local / developer's build it's 
fine to use C compiler without optimizations (and 
maybe with enabled debugging option), and for final 
build use the "slow", but optimal settings. That's 
the whole idea of "release" vs "debug" builds.

With Harbour/hbmk2 it's quite easy to switch 
compilers, or toggle optimizations.


On 2010 Mar 19, at 18:20, francesco perillo wrote:

>> Though at least for live builds used by real users
>> IMO it's worth to take the pain of a longer build
>> to offer a faster working application. It's a one
>> time overhead on developer's side and and permanent
>> and noticeable gain on the users' side.
> No problem for a loooooooong one-time compiler build.... but I believe
> that also prg compilation is slower... hbmk2 incremental helps a lot
> but it is anyway a longer edit-compile-debug cycle....
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