Winston , si lo necesitas te lo envio , lo tengo compilado para ubuntu


Winston If you need I can send to you a compiled version of MT server for


2010/4/22 Winston Garcia <>

> Hola Ciro. Se que hablas español y asi te lo explico mejor.
> Estoy migrando una pequeña aplicacion de Facturacion e Inventarios que
> tenia en Clipper a harbour, hasta alli todo bien excepto una libreria de
> terceros y simule con harbour las funciones de estas.
> Por razones de estabilidad estoy haciendo unos test desde windows-xp contra
> un servidor ubuntu-linux que es donde estan las tablas dbf. y me encuentro
> en que solo me permite hacer una coneccion al server, ahora lo que me falta
> probar es compilar con MT mode.
> Ahora te agradeceria me hicieras saber algunos tips para trabajar con esta
> "extraordinaria funcionabilidad de harbour""
> Saludos
> Winston Garcia
> Venezuela
> --- El *jue, 22/4/10, Ciro Vargas C <>* escribió:
> De: Ciro Vargas C <>
> Asunto: Re: [Harbour] NETIO Questions
> Para: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." <>
> Fecha: jueves, 22 de abril, 2010 21:54
>  Hi Winston:
> Why do you say that the sample does not accept multiple connections?
> What kind of test you do it?
> let me know each step...
> best regards
> Ciro
> 2010/4/22 Winston Garcia 
> <<>
> >
>>   Thanks Bruno.
>> Can you say me how i compile with MT Mode ?
>> What Program i compile with MT mode Client or Server, or Client And Server
>> ?
>> Thanks by your suuport
>> My Env is Server Ubuntu-Server  8.04 And Client WinXp
>> Greeting
>> --- El *jue, 22/4/10, Bruno Luciani 
>> <<>
>> >* escribió:
>> De: Bruno Luciani 
>> <<>
>> >
>> Asunto: Re: [Harbour] NETIO Questions
>> Para: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." 
>> <<>
>> >
>> Fecha: jueves, 22 de abril, 2010 20:36
>> Do you have compiled in multithread mode ?
>> I don't have tested yet in multiple connections but If I am not wrong
>> I read that , it is needed MT mode
>> This is my server , the defines , are not needed but i use it as a
>> remember of defaults for the server
>> Bruno
>> #define DBSERVER  ""
>> #define DBPORT    "2941"
>> #define DBPASSWD  "topsecret"
>> #define DBDIR     "data"
>> #define DBFILE    "clients"
>> #define DBNAME    "net:" + DBSERVER + ":" + DBPORT + ":" + ;
>>                   DBPASSWD + ":" + DBDIR + "/" + DBFILE
>> request DBFCDX
>> request HB_DIREXISTS
>> request MAKEDIR
>> proc main()
>>    local pSockSrv, lExists
>>    set exclusive off
>>    rddSetDefault( "DBFCDX" )
>>    pSockSrv := netio_mtserver( DBPORT,,, /* RPC */ .T., DBPASSWD )
>>    if empty( pSockSrv )
>>       ? "Cannot start NETIO server !!!"
>>       wait "Press any key to exit..."
>>       quit
>>    endif
>>    ? "NETIO server activated."
>>    hb_idleSleep( 0.1 )
>>    wait
>> 2010/4/22 Winston Garcia 
>> <<>
>> >
>>>   Hi Bruno.
>>> Have you a sample of Netio server what received many conections ?
>>> The samples en contrib/netio only accept one conection at time ?
>>> Greeting
>>> Winston Garcia
>>> Venezuela
>>> --- El *jue, 22/4/10, Winston Garcia 
>>> <<>
>>> >* escribió:
>>> De: Winston Garcia 
>>> <<>>
>>> Asunto: Re: [Harbour] NETIO Questions
>>> Para: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." <
>>> >
>>> Fecha: jueves, 22 de abril, 2010 13:23
>>>    Thanks Bruno. I'll try.
>>> Winston Garcia
>>> --- El *jue, 22/4/10, Bruno Luciani 
>>> <<>
>>> >* escribió:
>>> De: Bruno Luciani 
>>> <<>
>>> >
>>> Asunto: Re: [Harbour] NETIO Questions
>>> Para: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." <
>>> >
>>> Fecha: jueves, 22 de abril, 2010 13:17
>>> I am using Netio to some tests
>>> You neet to compile server using MT support ( Multithread )
>>> In my tests i try in this way to use index and aparently work ok
>>> if !FILE("net:clients.cdx")
>>>    index on Nombre tag nom to net:clients.cdx
>>> endif
>>> Bruno
>>> 2010/4/22 Winston Garcia 
>>> <<>
>>> >
>>>>   Hi All, my English is bad.
>>>> How work the index in netio ?
>>>> any sample ?
>>>> The Netiosvr samples only support one conection, how i enable to support
>>>> any conection ?
>>>> greeting
>>>> Winston Garcia
>>>> Venezuela
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