Hi again,

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>wrote:

> The components are also listed in INSTALL.
> Quote:
> "in quite simple way. All you need to do is adding
> -lunicows to your hbmk2 make file and bundle
> unicows.dll with your app. Works with all supported
> Harbour compilers. Get prebuilt libunicows binaries
> from here:
>  http://libunicows.sourceforge.net/";
> [ Forgot to mention here that this requires recent
> Harbour version, 2.0.0 release won't work. Maybe

worth to note that  ]

I have not found that in the INSTALL doc...

G:\ver10\harbour-dev>grep -in unicows INSTALL
630:                                 UNICOWS solution to support Win9x/ME
1411:      Windows UNICOWS .dll [win, free, closed-source]
1414:      Windows UNICOWS runtime/import library [win, free, open-source]
1415:         http://libunicows.sourceforge.net/

Not even the hint that -lunicows is in there.  I am not sure where you got
that quote from, perhaps you are quoting something you said in the past.  In
either case, I have found that produces an hour when I compile harbour devs
with win-make myself (which is my only choice, as 2.0.0 is the last stable
bundled released, afaik).

hbmk2: Linking... ../latest/bmd.exe
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot
find -lunicows
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
hbmk2: Error: Running linker. 1

my cmd:  ..\harbour-dev\bin\hbmk2 -lunicows -icon=BKMNGR.ICO -strip
-ustd.ch-kc -lhbct -lhbtpathy -lhbnf -inc -o..\latest\bmd.exe bm.hbp

*sad face*
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