Hi Mindaugas,

> I see no problem for Win 3.x and Win32s, we still have customers with Win9x. 
> Many of the projects are contained in the only .exe file, so requirement of 
> extra .dll is not nice. One more thing is that my libraries are non-UNICODE, 
> but I do not see a big reason to do rewrite a working piece of code until HVM 
> internals does not allow to contain multi-language strings and rewrite do not 
> add new fuctionality.

Pls remember that you may well need other extra 
.dlls/packages anyway f.e. to run Harbour apps 
on Win95/Win95b and other combinations, like 
mingw/msvc builds and Win95-98. Chances are high 
though that unicows.dll and these other extra 
packages are already installed by now (had 12-15 
years to do that), if not, there are simple MS 
packages users can install on these PCs. My point 
is that it's unavoidable anyway to deal with the 
"extra package issue" when running Harbour apps 
(and many other apps) on Win9x, and that such 
issue is not very hard to deal with, since there 
exist official MS package for all of them, and 
the packages are well documented even in our 

Other libs and local code are unaffected by 
Harbour core's UNICODE mode. So while I see your 
point, this is not something which has any 
technical influence on our decision.

> Maybe some macros like HB_PARSTR() can help to implement a good layer for 
> UNICODE/non-UNICODE versions of app. It can help to make code clean and easy 
> maintainable.

It covers part of the problem, but doesn't cover 
other 200 code sections, where these functions 
cannot be used. These are usually code sections 
which deal with the conversions on the low level 
(as opposed to simply accept/return Harbour 
function parameters, like with HB_PARSTR() and 


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