Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi Maurilio,
>> what about using -gc3 to have an application which is not executed by a VM?
> What you get is a .c source regardless of 
> the -gc mode, but the problem is that we're 
> running a translator from .prg to .c. In that 
> sense it should not make a difference.
Yes, but this translator is run only once, during program build, from there on
it is a pure machine code executable.

I think the problem with Apple is that they don't want the VM running on
iPhone/iPad because they cannot be sure the code does not contain malicious
parts/virus/exploits and so on.

> The other thing is that if you want to access 
> any Apple API from .prg, it's inevitable 
> to go through a set of wrapper functions, which 
> is again something Apple seems to not like, 
> because this way they are in the hands of wrapper 
> developers regarding what feature is accessible 
> from .prg code and how fully it is implemented.

I don't think so, you simply have some .c code which is a wrapper to something
that, in the end, becomes a .c source which gets compiled/linked to a pure cpu
specific assembler code.

> At least that's Apple's intent. As to how they 
> can defend these rules "in court", I have no idea.

They don't defend it in court, they simply will not put your program on
iTunes, so you cannot distribute it.

Best regards.


|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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