
> yes the message come to the list.
> I want to say that the code of sending mails with hbtip is far from
> perfect and not always follows SMTP protocol and best practices...
> Anyway, to be short, try port 587 and not 465... I can't get a proper
> reply from their servers on 465 so the connection goes timeout (10
> seconds) and aborts... the strange thing is that you get the 220
> message after the QUIT...

It would be great of you could take a closer look at it.

ATM HB_SENDMAIL() is not working at one of my clients, 
but it works at others. The one failing is simple SMTP, 
no SSL or MT mode. HB_SENDMAIL() returns .F. Unfortunately 
I don't have logs. The build in question uses latest hbtip 


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