Hi Przemek,

>> It's possible (and should fixed, just not by my eyes), but 
>> my suspect in this case is an MT requirement of OpenSSL, which 
>> isn't satisfied in hbssl.
> Yes, but it's important only for concurrent access.
> It does not change anything when only single thread
> access SSL code like in gmail.prg so for sure it
> cannot be source of the problem.
>> See here:
>> http://books.google.hu/books?id=FBYHEBTrZUwC&pg=PA74&lpg=PA74&dq=OPENSSL+multithread&source=bl&ots=Am7l5e1yJL&sig=r7QaLIfah-KE8lQDx4RbSXVPPJI&hl=en&ei=btbuS_vZI-STOO7C8fYH&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CDAQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=OPENSSL%20multithread&f=false
>> I tried, but couldn't adapt the code to Harbour threading API.
> Seems that it can be done quite easy.
> I'll look at it in next week but it's completely different thing
> not related to Fernando problem which probably should be resolved
> before so we can add some concurrent access tests.

Thank you.

As for hbssl existing code, any hints/changes you could 
make would be great. Current state is the best I could 
come up with and I could stare at it for an infinite 
time, for my eyes it looks alright. (I remember having 
been testing it with valgrind even, at some stage)


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