On Thu, 20 May 2010, sali wrote:


> porting big app from clipper/win to harbour/linux, and having lot of
> hard-coded and/or composed file/index paths with back-slash '\' embedded
> is there some 'set' setting to at 'run-time-level' replace [convert]
> windows-style '\' to linux-style '/' paths
> directly changing source is not an option,

It's always the best option.
"/" as path separator works in all systems.

> my second thought is to tweak at pp-level

Everything what can be done on PP level can also be done in source
code so there is no reason to make such things on PP level.

> any suggestion?


makes what you need inside Harbour code but please remember that if
you pass some parameters to externally executed commands then you
should make conversion to native OS directory separator.
You may also have similar problems with file case. In *nixes file
systems are case sensitive.


can be used to enable (disable) conversions arbitrary conversions
of all file/dir names used inside Harbour code.

best regards,
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