On Thu, 20 May 2010, sali wrote:


> >>my second thought is to tweak at pp-level
> >Everything what can be done on PP level can also be done in source
> >code so there is no reason to make such things on PP level.
> thnx for the tips
> just to explain, regarding pp, of course that it can be done in
> source, but tweaking pp, i may have prg source totaly  untouched
> [which is important to keep application compatibility, no need for
> additional quality testing]
> like this part replacing std.ch
> ...
> use <(db)> => dbusearea(,,linux(<(db)>),...)
> ...

Such modification is still only workaround for the problem which
is hardcoded in some other place. You should switch to "/" or use
hb_osPathSeparator() if you want to eliminate any filename conversions.

best regards,
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