Out of band Int'l stations:
SWEDEN 11550  R Sweden 1412 IS ( towards Americas) and news in 
??  S5 44433 , On 2.1.5  prg in English on 1444 43433 some QRM 
from Poacher on 11545  Liangas 29.12.4 + 2.1.5 
Also 3.1.5 on 1145 RS in Swedish with news on catastrophe 34333 on 
11560  and on 1250 /1300/1315 with signal S10 /34343
This verifies latest EDXP posting. Info found on WRTH 2005  

NETHERLANDS 9345 R Netherlands 1540 with EE programming with 
ID references then time S0 13332 Liangas 29.12 Thessaloniki Greece  
cland 5905 Dem Voice of Burma?? 1525  with talks in a viet type 
language , refs to SEA countries 43xx3 Liangas 29.12 ON 2.1.5 there 
is a signal of S10 with bamar and QRMer in Russian Thessaloniki 

cland [Uganda] 17870 R rhino Intl ca1527 OM with talks on Uganda , 
Roth om Mohammad , conspiracies on Uganda  etc S10 44444 
Liangas 29.12 Thessaloniki Greece 

cland 15530 Sudan RS ca1527  talks abt Sudan and Sudanese people 
, mention on Moh'd Nimer , bullts , SPLME , S9 444444   Liangas 
29.12 Thessaloniki Greece 

cland 3880 V of Communist party Iran  1645 OM with talks in Farsi. 
Signal S9+10 Found also on 4375 with S9 , 6420 with S7 . At 1648  all 
signals were jammed  or stopped transmitting Liangas 29.12 
Thessaloniki Greece 

cland 11810 Minivan 1638 with quranic verses and translation to 
English 1653 a chant like from child Drums and sudden off Liangas 
29.12 Thessaloniki Greece 

cland 4860 'dengi Kurdistan Iran' 0408 Clear in this freq  with ID and 
S5 34343 political talks Liangas 30.12 Thessaloniki Greece 

15265 R Soleh , ON ID at 1443 " de Afghanistan soleh'  and songs 
follow 44444 S20 Liangas 30.12 Thessaloniki Greece 
6300 R Boomerang 2050 nice signal S8 44434 Liangas 30.12 
Thessaloniki Greece 
6305 nonIDed Dutch pirate closed down 1513 Liangas 2.1.5 
Thessaloniki Greece 


N KOREA 6400  Pyongyang Pangsong  1750 with sogs.1800 ID 
Pyongyan Pangsong by YL and s/off  Quite strong signal on S8 34333 
Liangas 1.1.5 Also on 2135 30.12 with hymns and S6 3x433 
7570 VB of Korea 1505 with Korean nx in EE ,33233 , QRM operator o 
LSB Liangas 29.12 Thessaloniki Greece 
6285 VOK 1450 with RR prg and ID, frqs  S9 34443 2.1.5  Also on past 
15 with new prg 

USA 7505 KTBN (p) pop songs 1500 OM welcome to ... radio , 
mentions of J Christ  etc S1 12431 Liangas 29.12 Thessaloniki Greece 

?? 4890   RFI relay with reports and ID 'RFI la radio du monde ' S9+10 

MALAYSIA  9750 VoIslam 1530 , talks in Malay and mix of arab  or 
deli songs. Great audio  . S9 with slow and deep fading 33423 . On 
1800 mixed up with R Japan , When RJ signed off signal was S2 only 
Liangas 29.12 Thessaloniki Greece 
  -do- 7295 R One 1505  YL with regional news in ENG. A song on 
1510  S3 , 24332 At 1520 signal lowered to S0 Liangas 2.1.5 
Thessaloniki Greece 

SPORE 7235  Warna  1505 pop song 'tenda Biru' by Ratnasari ,phone 
ins   33432 using only LSB   co-ch CRI??  S9  Very strong QRM from 
DRM on 7240 till 1515  (S20) Liangas 2.1.5 Thessaloniki Greece 

GEORGIA 4540 R Georgia 1618 in Russian language talks by YL , 
sporadic music S9 Liangas 29.12 Thessaloniki Greece 
JAPAN 3925 Nikkei 2202  in JJ , discussion /interview with OM . Signal 
lowered on 2220 /S7 34132 Liangas 30.12 Thessaloniki Greece 

UK? 5810 BT test ID 1920 carousel test from BT communications . 
Signal S9 34333 30.12.2004
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102+1103 , 
c300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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