Here are a few logs from the past few days. I was
listening on a Collins R-388, connected to a random
longwire. Unfortunately, my R-5000 power cord was
being used on the DVD player (gotta get another power
cord!) at the time and the PTO on the R-388 varies
from on frequency to as much as +2 kHz, so my
frequencies in the following logs aren’t dead on. 

Galei Zahal, 6973, 3/27, 0100+ SIO:444 Pop and US
music for a while, then a long telephone interview
with a woman. The strongest I’ve heard’em in about a
month. (Yoder,PA)

ZBC Zimbabwe: 6688, 3/25, 2240+ Pop and reggae songs.
I had it on for background music for more than an
hour. Mostly music early on, but then went into some
talk programming later. I was hoping for Sudan or
Somalia, but Ed Rausch got the ZBC ID later on
(Thanks, Ed!). On 3/26, they were back to 6612 kHz

Mystery Radio: 6220, 3/26, 0100+ Better-than-normal
signal here, prob. about SIO:343. Techno & pop music
with rare announcements. (Yoder,PA)

NA Pirate
Dark Night Radio: 6925U, 3/26, 0400+ Announced e-mail
address as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not too bad at
tune in with country music. Mostly faded out after a
few min., but occasionally faded up. Announcer talked
a lot & he has some echo on his voice...kinda reminds
me of the sound of some CBers. (Yoder,PA)

KCBM: 6990U, 3/26, 0400+ Think I had the Ken & Barry
show here, but I just couldn’t tune in the weak SSB
with the BFO on the R-388. (Yoder,PA)

WTPR: 6925U, 3/25, 2350+ “Tire Pressure Radio”
Basically an audio version of a chain letter. Very
well produced show about different DXers who didn’t
heed the warnings of the show, kept listening, and
later discovered that their car had flat tires or low
tire pressure. Awesome signal here. Great show! I
listened to the end...and I still have tire pressure!
He also didn't mention my name, so the gods of tire
pressure must be smiling down on me...Please QSL!

Radio 6: 6932, 3/24, 0040 Pretty decent on fade ups
with a blues song with harmonica. I  mostly lost it
after some SSB QRM (Yoder,PA)

MAC Shortwave: 6950 f/d color logo card for 2 e-mailed
reports. In abt. 2 months. Thanks! (Yoder,PA)

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