All logs from earlier in the week. No time for DX

3310, BOLIVIA, R.Mosoj Chaski, 0123-0135*, May 23,
Spanish, OM w/ music and talk b/w selections. ID over
music at 0130 then familiar sounding religous music
and gone at 0135. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

3340, HONDURAS, (T)HRMI, 0142-0202, May 23, Up-tempo
music and YL talk. Tentative ID annmt at 0200. Poor.

4780, DJIBOUTI, RTD, *0259-0316, May 24, Music at s/on
(IS?) and OM w/ annmts over music, call to prayer
until 0311 then talk thru t/out. Poor/fair.

7200, SUDAN, R.Omdurman, 0322-0342, May 24, Arabic, OM
and YL w/ talk b/w various AR music bits; several
mentions of "Sudan". Fair. (Barbour-NH)

11905, SRI LANKA, SLBC, 0155-0211, May 24,
Hindi(listed), Hindi music w/ brief YL b/w selections.
Presumed ID at 0200. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1, DTS-4

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