4780, Guatemala, Radio Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian; 03/03-04 Spanish/Vern. 
2340 male talks, 2350 religious talks in Spanish alternating Vernacular 
"estamos rechasando la realidad del Dios", 0901 ID by male "entre la 
informacion...RCC, Radio Cultural Coatan. 22322 (LOB-B).


4857, Peru, Radio La Hora, Cusco; 03/04 Spanish 0019 ID by male "desde Cusco 
para todo el pais, Radio La Hora", local pop selections, 0025 abruptally sign 
off. 32323 (LOB-B).


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil (23 39  S, 46 52  W)

Sony ICF SW40

dipole 18m, 32m 

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