A selection of logs from the past two weeks here in Borsbeek, Belgium :

4800,0 kHz - 2004 UTC - CHN - CNR-1, Geermu
Commercials, talks, Chinese traditional mx, “Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo
Dientai“ ID @ 2100 // 4460 & 6180 - Ch - 35333

4805,0 kHz - 2330 UTC - B - R.Difusora do Amazonas, Bélem
Talks abt Brazil & Manaus, 'Jornal da ..', commercials, Difusora ID's @
0000 - Pr - 34322

4845,0 kHz - 2245 UTC - 26/2 - MTN - R.Mauretanie, Nouakchott
Endless phone conversations, local mx, time pips, ID "Huna Nouakchott" &
news. QRM 4845v R.Cultura - A - 34333

4885,0 kHz - 2311 UTC - 27/2 - B - Radio Clube do Para, Bélem
Football report, commercials, ID - Pr - 35433

4940,0 kHz - 2003 UTC - 28/2 - STP - Voice Of America, Pinheira
Popular African mx in 'African Beat', ID, website // 6080, 11975 & 13710 -
E - 35333

5446,5 kHz - 0018 UTC - 28/2 - USA - AFN, Key West FL
Px abt American football with Ron Barr, 'This Week' @ 0030, in USB - E -

5810,0 kHz - 0115 UTC - 28/2 - USA - WEWN, Vandiver AL
Abt evangelism at John Paul The Great University, EWTN ID's - E - 45444

5860,0 kHz - 1700 UTC - 27/2 - MRA - R.Free Asia, Tinian
ID “This Is Radio Free Asia. The following program is in Korean“,
announcement incl. website, talks - K - 55444

5965,0 kHz - 1706 UTC - 27/2 - G - BBC Darfur Salaam, Rampisham
ME mx, repeated tape with ID incl. “BBC“ & “Darfur“ // 9760 - A - 44433

5990,0 kHz - 2120 UTC - 25/2 - B - R.Senado, Brasília
Easy listening Brazilian mx, Radio Senado ID, comments - Pr - 34333

5995,0 kHz - 1911 UTC - 24/2 - CYP - BBC Worldservice, Zygi
Phone-in px ’Have Your Say’ about elections in Pakistan until 1950 UTC, ID’
s. New frequency - E - 42332

6040,0 kHz - 2029 UTC - 28/2 - MRC - Voice Of America, Briech
S/on with Yankee Doodle & ID "Welcome to the Voice Of America in Serbian",
news - Se - 44444

6060,0 kHz - 0105 UTC - 28/2 - CUB - R.Havana, Bauta
Abt history of Cuba in 'Revista de la Noche', ID  // 5965 - Sp - 44433

6060,0 kHz - 2020 UTC - 20/2 - FIN - The Overcomer Ministry, Pori
Brother Stair abt US financial situation, Overcomer Ministry ID, SC address,
Open Forum px @ 2048 with sudden s/off @ 2100. New transmission - E - 44433

6080,0 kHz - 2101 UTC - 20/2 - STP - Voice Of America, Pinheira
VOA News, ID, 'Classic Rock Show' with Ed Kowalski about The Eagles - E -

6090,0 kHz - 2103 UTC - 19/2 - BLR - R.Belarus, Kalodziscy
ID "Radiostation Belarus", news review // 7360 & 7390 - E - 44433

6100,0 kHz - 2105 UTC - 20/2 - BIH - R.Serbia Int., Bijeljina
Nachrichten, Presseschau abt Kosovo, Radio Serbien ID - G - 54444

6135,0 kHz - 1950 UTC - 25/2 - ALB - R.Tirana, Shijak
Albanian Press Review about Kosovo, ID, bad audio // better 7465 - E - 44432

6180,0 kHz - 1722 UTC - 27/2 - UAE - FEBC, Al Dhabayya
Presumed Oromo talks & ethnic mx, FEBC IS @ 1729 & s/off - X - 43333

6240,0 kHz - 2110 UTC - 19/2 - MDA - WYFR Family R., Grigoriopol-Maiac
Open Forum telephone talk px with Harold Camping answering religious
questions, Family Radio ID’s, website - E - 45444

6250,1 kHz - 2120 UTC - 20/2 - EGY - R.Cairo, Abis
'News Online' abt US presidential candidates, Kosovo, ID, Arab mx - E -

6265,0 kHz - 2155 UTC - 19/2 - LTU - KBC Radio, Sitkunai
Replaying The Wolfman Jack Show with great pop oldies, Mighty KBC ID, SW
receiver commercial - E - 55444

7190,0 kHz - 1903 UTC - 19/2 - CHN - China R.Int., Kashi-Saibagh
Newsroom Report, presented by a clearly Australian-accented speaker,
financial nx & CRI ID. QRM RFA in Ch // 6095 - E - 43433

7225,0 kHz - 2043 UTC - 28/2 - TUN - R.Tunis, Sfax
Arab mx, talks, ID "Idhaatu al-Wataniya al-Tunisiya" - A - 44444

7255,0 kHz - 2129 UTC - 20/2 - NIG - Voice Of Nigeria, Ikorodu
Afro pop, ID “La Voix de Nigeria“, Lagos & email address, px ’Question De
Santé’ @ 2130 - F - 34333

7365,0 kHz - 0040 UTC - 28/2 - USA - R.Martí, Greenville NC
Phone conversation abt Cuban politics in ’Voces’, ID @ 0100 // 6030 - Sp -

7410,0 kHz - 1855 UTC - 25/2 - IND - All India R., Delhi
Hindi song, ID, nx @ 1900, followed by press review //9950 - E - 45433

7470,0 kHz - 1733 UTC - 28/2 - RUS - R.Democracy Shorayee, Samara
Talks abt Iran, patriottic song, ID "Di-Sedaye Democracye Shorayee ..." -
Fs - 45333

7510,0 kHz - 2106 UTC - 28/2 - ARM - Open Radio For North Korea, Gavar
Mx, talks abt Pyongyang, frequency, news incl. E headlines, no
(understandable) ID - K - 35433

7540,0 kHz - 1745 UTC - 27/2 - MDA - Voice Of Mesopotamya, Grigoriopol-Maiac
Continuous Kurdish mx, talks, “Dengé Mesopotamya“ ID @ 1818 - Ku - 45433

7570,0 kHz - 2138 UTC - 24/2 - KRE - Voice Of Korea, Kujang
Korean songs, Voice Of Korea ID’s and the usual news about ’The Great Leader
’. Frequencies & px end @ 2157 - E - 25322

7580,0 kHz - 1914 UTC - 25/2 - CLN - R.Farda, Irana Wila
Many “Radio Farda“ ID’s, talks, Enrique Iglesias song - Fs - 44433

9385,0 kHz - 2014 UTC - 19/2 - USA - WWRB The Overcomer Ministry, Manchester
Religious oldies & talks - E - 35333

9500,0 kHz - 2009 UTC - 24/2 - AUS - R.Australia, Shepparton
’The Science Show’ with Robyn Williams abt cloned food & animals, ID. News &
ID @ 2100 - E - 34433

9535,0 kHz - 2031 UTC - 19/2 - THA - R.Thailand, Udorn Thani
Relaying ’Wave FM 88’, contemporary pop mx with Tom Parker - E - 35333

9550,0 kHz - 2004 UTC - 25/2 - RRW - FEBC, Kigali
Radio play, spiritual talks, only phone number heard, no definite ID, s/off
@ 2030 - A - 35333

9575,0 kHz - 2037 UTC - 25/2 - MRC - Médi 1, Nador
Leonard Cohen, Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder songs, comments, Médi 1 ID & news,
commercial - A - 45444

9580,0 kHz - 1834 UTC - 27/2 - GAB - Africa No.1, Moyabi
Phone conversations abt President Sarkozy’s visit to Chad, ID, slowly fading
away - F - 35222

9615,0 kHz - 1819 UTC - 26/2 - NZL - R.New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki
’Dateline Pacific’ abt Nauru airline, ID, news @ 1835. Co-ch. QRM CRI in G -
E - 32332

9625,0 kHz - 2102 UTC - 24/2 - CAN - CBC Northern Québéc Service, Sackville
Eleanor interviewing an Irish writer in ’Writers & Company’, CBC Radio One
ID - E - 25322

9780,0 kHz - 1805 UTC - 21/2 - YEM - R.Yemen, San'a
End of the news, western mx, poor reception because of low modulation and
heavy fading, no definite ID so tentative - E - 35322

9815,0 kHz - 1809 UTC - 27/2 - BOT - Voice Of America, Moepeng Hill
News abt Olympic games in Beijing, VOA ID, ’Médias d’Afriques et d’Ailleurs’
@ 1911 abt Chad // 12080 - F - 35333

9825,0 kHz - 1716 UTC - 26/2 - SVK - R.Miraya FM, Rimavská Sobota
Talks abt Darfur, Radio Miraya ID @ 1727 - A - 25322

9830,0 kHz - 1919 UTC - 27/2 - JOR - R.Jordan, Al Karanah
Talks, ID “Huna Amman“ @ 1920, Arab mx - A - 35444

9855,0 kHz - 1924 UTC - 28/2 - KWT - R.Kuwait, Kabd
Instrumental Arab mx, phone conversations abt Iraq & Turkey, ID - A - 35333

9525,0 kHz - 1525 UTC - 26/2 - MRA - WYFR Family R., Tinian
Monotone talks mentioning Israel, Family Radio ID, California address - R -

11735,0 kHz - 1842 UTC - 28/2 - TZA - Voice Of Tanzania Zanzibar, Dole
Long conversation abt Tanzania & Kenya, ID "Sauti Tanzania Zanzibar" @
1959 - Sh - 34433

11930,0 kHz - 1911 UTC - 28/2 - USA - R.Martí, Greenville NC
Usual talks concerning Cuba, ID - Sp - 24322

11935,0 kHz - 1205 UTC - 28/2 - PHL - R.Veritas Asia, Palauig
Hmong px ex 1000 UTC, talks & Asian mx, no ID, trumpets IS & s/off @ 1227 -
X - 25333

11965,0 kHz - 1755 UTC - 28/2 - LBY - Voice Of Africa, Sabrata
Talks abt development in Africa, African mx, Hausa px @ 1900, ID "Murya
Africa ..." - A - 35444

12000,0 kHz - 1142 UTC - 28/2 - CUB - R.Havana, Bauta
Cultural & political items, ID "Esta es Radio Havana, Cuba!", news - Sp -

12150,0 kHz - 1508 UTC - 26/2 - CLN - Voice Of America, Irana Wila
Larry London presenting ’Border Crossings’, VOA ID, request for ’Love Me
Tender’ - E - 45444

13590,0 kHz - 1824 UTC - 21/2 - ZMB - CVC, Makeni
Pop music in ’Scope’ px, CVC ID’s, Queensland AUS address, website (cvc.tv),
short nx @ 1831 - E - 35333

13840,0 kHz - 1801 UTC - 28/2 - NZL - R.New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki
Pacific Regional News, ID, 'Dateline Pacific' abt French Polynesian
re-elections - E - 25333

13855,0 kHz - 1048 UTC - 28/2 - ISR - Kol Israel, Yavne
Talks abt Hamas, Haifa, Israel, phone conversation abt Morocco, time pips,
Kol Israel ID, F px @ 1100 // 15760 - He - 35433

15200,0 kHz - 1037 UTC - 28/2 - GUM - KTWR, Merizo
Talks abt Christus, Indonesia address, website, frequencies, KTWR ID &
s/off - In - 25222

15235,0 kHz - 1742 UTC - 28/2 - AFS - Channel Africa, Meyerton
South African social topics in ’African Digest’ px, time pips & s/off.
Slowly fading out - E - 45333

15270,0 kHz - 1022 UTC - 28/2 - AUS - Christian Voice, Darwin
Discussing content of modern pop songs in 'The Buzz' with Karl, pop mx, CVC
ID's, website - E - 35333

15610,0 kHz - 1015 UTC - 28/2 - CLN - Deutsche Welle, Trincomalee
News items in 'Deutsche Welle Extra' // delayed 6075, 9545, 13780, ... - G -

15690,0 kHz - 1000 UTC - 28/2 - CLN - R.Farda, Irana Wila
ME mx, Radio Farda ID's, talks - Fs - 35444

17830,0 kHz - 1444 UTC - 26/2 - ASC - BBC Worldservice, English Bay
Abt monitoring birds via GPS and Ratatouille movie in px ’The Digital Planet
’, ID - E - 35433

17835,0 kHz - 0958 UTC - 28/2 - PAK - R.Pakistan, Islamabad
Pakistani mx, Urdu announcement, The Typewriter Song, time pips, ID “Yeh
Radio Pakistan He“, news - U - 55443

21705,0 kHz - 0950 UTC - 28/2 - ARS - B.S.K.S.A., Riyadh
Randy Crawford melody, talks, end of px ’Awrah Kusha’ar’, full ID @0954 -
A - 35444

73 and good DX,
DXA30 Marc

Location : Borsbeek, Belgium (N51º11'/E04º29')
Receiver : JRC NRD-525 (ESKA-modified)
Antennas : 15m lw + MLB, 13m inv-L + Yaesu FRT-7700,
           home built MW-loop

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