QTH:    Kabul, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    200m Longwire/Randomwire
ACC:    Palstar MW-550P Mediumwave Preselector

9535    THAILAND, R. Thailand heard at 2006 on 4 Dec w/GM program, some pop
music then s/off w/station ID and freqs in EG.  Nice S4 signals here in
Kabul, even tho aimed at Europe.

9575    MOROCCO, Medi 1, heard at 1941 on 4 Dec w/AR and FR talks, pop mx
and commercials. Pretty low signal (S2 at best) and barely above the noise.


BELGIUM - RTBF International, 9970, f/d email in 15 days for FR report.  V/S
Fabienne Pasau ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), who also complimented me on my FR language
skills (which I personally think are execrable.....).

Well, folks, I'm back in Kaboom, ermmm, Kabul, and my reward was a couple of
good catches.  Security here is ramped up in preparation for the Eid, and
the Government has declared a weeklong holiday from Saturday the 6th thru
Friday the 12th of December because of the Eid and various other things.
The parliament has approved and presented a bill to President Karzai to sign
making the weekend Friday/Saturday and the work week only five days.
President Karzai is hopefully going to sign this soon.  Theoreticlaly, I
should have the week off for DX, however, because this is an ISP, we're all
on duty 24/7/365 and I still have to do some office time, but I still
anticipate a lot of DX time.

Incidently, if there are any other network engineers out there who may be
interested in some fun, travel and adventure (including dodging bullets,
IEDs, polluted air, and the chef from Hell), earning some good tax-free
money (lodging, transport and meals included - perqs you have to negotiate),
please send your resume/CV my way and I will present it to the CEO for
consideration.  You should have at least five years network engineering
experience and relevant certifications:  MCSE, Network+, Security+, CCNP,
CCIE, etc.  A formal degree is not necessary.

Best 73 de Al

"Congress is so strange. A man gets up to speak and says nothing.
Nobody listens - and then everybody disagrees."
 - Boris Marshalov

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