Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach Florida
Drake R8 ~ Icom 746proDL
60 meter band dipole, 90/120 meter band dipole
- - -
555 ZIZ Radio Basseterre Saint Kitts 2335 om with accented/correct :)
English 28 Feb. [Wilkner]
895 Voice of Nevis 2338 -2350 instrumental music, 28 Feb. [Wilkner]
2310 Australia VL8A Alice Springs NT some audio 1100, 4 March [Wilkner]
2325 Australia VL8T Tennant Creek NT, Best signal of the three NTs
1100, 4 March [Wilkner]
2379.9t. UNID 1000, seems signal here/ in the past, Brasil Radio
Educadora, Limeira, SP [Wilkner]
2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT weak but still readable audio 1100,
4 March [Wilkner]
3249.6v Honduras Radio Luz y Vida numerous day 1000 with transmitter
problems [Wilkner]
3250 Honduras Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis back on frequency as of 2,3,4
March 1100 en espanol good signal [Wilkner]
3290 Distorted hash 1100 4 March [Wilkner]
3290 Papua New Guinea Radio Central, Boroko 1155 to 1200 audio still
in, 4 March [Wilkner]
3329.53 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1030 on March 4th [Wilkner]
3375.34 Brasil Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira return to
frequency 3 March, 4 March 1000 to 1030, 0930 mx om Portuguese [Wilkner]
4760 Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Port Blair 1200 to 1218 fade,
subcontinental music, om and yl,fair to good before fade 1 March [Wilkner]
4774.9 Peru Radio Tarma. Tarma 1041 om vocal with instrumental
background, good 4 March [Wilkner]
4796.37 Bolivia Radio Lipez, Uyuni 1030 to 1045 return to frequency,
after three weeks absent [Wilkner]
4814.95 Ecuador Radio El Buen Pastor,Saraguro Loma Loja noted with good
signal 1035 on March 4. [Wilkner]
5019.9 Solomon Islands, SIBC 1000 to 1045, troubled by local Radio
Rebelde ,Cuba 1 March, 4 March [Wilkner]
5039.22 Peru, Radio Libertad Junin noted at 1100 to 1110 with much
weaker signal than in the past 4 March [Wilkner]
5120.45 Peru, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba seem regular at 1100
daily [Wilkner]
5580.19 Bolivia Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos 2340 to 2355
music, irregular schedule 28 Feb. [Wilkner]
6173.9 Peru, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco en espanol 1115 on 4 March
7185.7 Burma, Myanmar Radio presumed at 1100 to 1120, some weak
audio,Per Valko and Sharp Logs 4 March [Wilkner]
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