** CANADA. 9650, KBS World Radio due a further refund from RCI, April 10 at 
1454-1459* once again playing RCI IS, French and English ID loop instead of 
lost Korean service as scheduled 14-15. I believe I had heard Korean normally 
sometime earlier in the hour as I tuned past (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Firedrake April 10: at 1315, good on 8400, fair on 10420 and poor on 
10440, the latter two being unusual landing spots. None others found from 11 up 
to 18 MHz. But at 1321, FD best of all on 9365 against nothing co-audible, and 
so strong it bothered WTJC on 9370. 

HFCC has nothing currently at this time on 9365, but Aoki shows Sound of Hope = 
Xi Wang Zhi Sheng could be there 24 hours with 1 kW from Taiwan, thus provoking 
the ChiCom jamming, probably 500 kW from a suitable internal skip distance to 
prevent hundreds of megaChinese from being corrupted by harmless Falun Gong 

** CUBA. 5970, new RHC frequency, already on air at 2145 April 9 in Spanish, 
fairly good signal. Is this on the brand-new schedule at 
http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/c_frecuencia/frecuencias.htm --- of course not! 
Shows 5970 only at 01-05 in English, 07-11 in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CUBA [non]. As I was finding RHC on unscheduled 5970 at 2145 April 9, also 
audible weaker on 6030 was Radio Martí, and no jamming audible. This is now 
starting at 1800, and we wonder how good a signal it can get into Cuba at 
midday, jamming or not.

Also confirmed RM`s new 9460 with good signal at 0256 check April 10, no 
jamming audible. It`s on the sked now as ``temporary`` at 01-04.

Saturday April 10 at 1339, R. Martí with ``Arte Latino`` show about ``Olbga de 
Cuba`` and her singing career in exile, 9805 with heavy jamming, 11845 VG over 
jamming. Closing produxion credits already at 1352 and on to next show, 
``Enfoque a América Latina`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. José Elías Díaz Gómez, Venezuela, on his blog bandscanning for 
easily-heard Spanish-language broadcasts, 
includes Radio República on 9780 sometime in the 02-03 and 03-04 hours. That`s 
a new unlisted frequency and unknown to me, so I check for it April 10 at 0256 
--- nothing there, tho propagation is poor on 31m. However, Vatican English via 
Sackville is audible on 9610. About the only signal making it weakly from 
Europe is China via Spain on 9690. 

JEDG says he heard "La Voz de los Cubanos Libres`` on 9780, dates not noted, 
but he scans only on local Mondays-Fridays, and will check for it again. I 
don`t recall RR using that specific slogan, so unless he heard an axual RR ID, 
possibly this was some other hitherto unknown exile clandestine. Per HFCC, only 
Yemen and CNR China are registered on 9780 during parts of this bihour. Others 
please be on the lookout for this! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 4920, April 10 at 1234, weak signal with talk, from intonation sounds 
like English, ergo AIR news on the hour via Chennai, and also similar but 
unseemed // on 5010 via T`m. Several other weak signals on 60m from AIR 
frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 6165, April 10 at 1255, poor signal in S Asian singing. I will 
confidently list-log this as AIR Sindhi service via Delhi-Khampur site, 250 kW 
at 65 degrees in B-09, rather than VOV-4 Hmong service, 50 kW, ND from 
Hanoi-Xuan Mai site in A-10, both per Aoki.

While Aoki has only B-09 India info so far, these instances also check with 
latest A-10 info as in http://www.qsl.net/vu2jos/sw/freq.htm which however lax 
azimuths (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15050, April 10 at 1448 fluttery signal peaking at S9+10 but 
absolutely no modulation; went off somewhere around 1500. This can only be the 
AIR Sinhala service as scheduled 1300-1500, 250 kW from Delhi-Khampur site at 
174 degrees, so longpath? Preceded by Tamil at 1115-1215. Is it unmodulated 
too? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 4870, weak music at 1234 April 10, presumably RRI Wamena; while 
4750 Makassar was much stronger atop CCI (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 10 at 1332, VOI English with daily Miscellany 
segment, but despite good modulation this time, her accent was so heavy that I 
could barely understand a word. One of her last may have been ``oxycontin`` 
before cut to open carrier with hum at 1334, and still the case at 1338 when I 
upgave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA [and non]. 6175 in Chinese April 10 at 1252 with constant audible 
het on low side. Aoki has CNR1 from Beijing 572 site, 100 kW, 37 degrees 
USward, while VOM Kajang in Indonesian, 100 kW non-direxional. Ron Howard 
confirms this date that VOM is in fact on 6174.40, so must be a 600 Hz het, 
assuming CNR1 be spot on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Radio Educación, 6185, does it again tnx to eclectic late-night 
music format when you never know what to expect: April 10 at 0555 traditional 
bluegrass lovesongs with wonderful harmony (in English!); 0603 full ID for MW 
and SW; 0605 on to a couple of contrasting Linda Ronstadt songs, ``You`re No 
Good`` and ``When Will I Be Loved``. No CCI, and strong enough to overcome ACI 
from CRI/Sackville 6190 before that QRTed at 0559 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, April 10 at 1434 UT in open carrier; 
still/again the case three and four hours later. Clearly this station has close 
to zero listeners, not including anyone in its own management or engineering 
(ha, ha), let alone anyone around Blackwell who would care enough to tell them 
that they are forgetting to modulate. Meanwhile sibling station KOKP 1020 Perry 
is nominal with sportstalk (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. More futile attempts to hear Voice of Russia`s only listed frequency 
in English to North America before 0200, 9890: UT April 10 at 0100 the 
DentroCuban Jamming Command and VOA Spanish have just evacuated 9885, but 
that`s no help, as on 9890 there is still only a trace of a carrier. If really 
500 kW, it`s dissipating long before here, perhaps keeping the ionosphere warm 
at the first reflexion point (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. CUBA is still negligently jamming 9810, which was abandoned 
three months ago by Radio República, despite the fact that in A-10 Voz de Rusia 
is trying to broadcast Spanish to Latin America on that very same frequency, 
via GUIANA FRENCH. April 10 at 0101 I can hear VOR`s news in Spanish under the 
noise, and it`s // and synchronized with much stronger 9735, which is unjammed. 
Yes, during the 01-02 hour only, VOR is using both 9810 and 9735 via GUF, at 
320 and 195 degrees respectively. Meanwhile, they can`t spare a minute of 
airtime on this or neighboring transmitter and 320 degree antenna USward in 
English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 5940 with coloratura soprano, April 10 at 1245, poor signal but in 
the clear and well-modulated, unlike // 5920 Pet/Kam motorboating itself; 1248 
Russian interview.

5940 is registered with HFCC A-10 as R. Rossii from Okhotsk site, 17-13 UT; but 
more realistically, Aoki says it`s Magadan at 02-13 and 1700-1910.

At 1254 found Russian talk on 7200 // 5940 but an echo apart, shortly back to 
coloratura. Could not hear any QRM on 7200; tho Korea North is also here, Aoki 
says that finishes around 1250; nor Myanmar which may use 7200 only in its 
mornings. All of them plus Sudan have no business on this borderline channel 
between ham and broadcast bands.

R. Rossii on 7200 is Yakutsk at 1900-1500, Aoki and HFCC agree, but not on 
other details: HFCC says 250 kW at 45 degrees, while Aoki says 100 kW 
non-direxional. WRTH says 250 kW but thinx azimuths are too technical, never 
worth publishing, just like ex-PWBR.

At 1256 April 10, 7220 in Russian not // 7200; that turns out to be VIETNAM, 
q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. VOA news at 1304 April 10 on 7575, report from DXer Dan 
Robinson at the White House (who since March 1 has been promoted from Capitol 
Hill correspondent --- congrats!), good signal and 1305 into Jazz America, 
theme this week Billie Holliday, née Eleanora Fagin (sp?). VG signal and I 
think I`ll take her over Martha Garvin on 7490, see WWCR. 7575 is 21 degrees 
from Tinang, PHILIPPINES, on the air during this hour only on Sat & Sun (Glenn 

** U S A. WWCR-3, 7490, Saturday April 10 at 1314 still with Martha Garvin`s 
Musical Memories, contrary to published schedule; she was doing hymns in 
alfabetical order by title, A-B-C. This signal is so strong that it 
desensitizes the receiver roughly plus/minus 35 kHz, between 7455 and 7525 

** U S A. 9265, WINB at 1318 UT Saturday April 10 with that eruptive preacher 
who takes long pauses, as if steam is building up over and over until he blows, 
then screams at ever-increasing level; he mentioned pentecostal.

Even tho dated March 14, as if it were actualized because of the start of DST, 
the WINB program schedule still shows a 5-hour difference between ET and UT, 
instead of the correct 4 hours, so which are we to believe? How can they be so 
ignorant? What I was hearing must have been either:
08:00A / Sat-1300...Apostolic Asssembly [sic!] or
09:00A / Sat-1400...Terry Blalock
Second harmonic 18530 was not expected to propagate, and did not (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO chex April 10: at 1341, just barely audible on WRMI 
9955, as I was mentioning WOR is sometimes jammed --- but it was not this time; 
glad to be proven wrong, temporarily.

1630 Sat airing on 12160 confirmed on WWCR-2 webcast until 1700, did not get 
stuck into looping (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Believe I have not heard KJES once since A-10 began, e.g. no sign of 
it on 11715 at 1345 check April 10, and nothing else on frequency either. Also 
zilch on 15385 at 1837. So is KJES totally off the air again? FCC schedule 
shows it is supposed to be, with azimuths:
11715, 13-14 70 toward OK; 14-15 350; 15-16 150
15385, 18-19 270, 19-20 100
 7555, 01-02 335, 02-0230 20  ---  So is anyone hearing them anywhere, anywhen? 

** U S A. 15420-CUSB, WBCQ, is on early Saturdays only for the Brother Scare 
Sabbath: April 10 at 1358 tuned in to ID loop I had not heard before, not Allan 
Weiner`s voice, ``You`re listening to WBCQ, Monticello, Maine, the United 
States of America, The Planet`` and then a riff of band music. I was trying to 
count the number of notes but only heard it twice, maybe 22 to 25, so is this 
the WBCQ interval signal now? 

Then to longtime produced ID with Allan`s voice, singing jingle ID, and 1400 
join BS in progress, but immediately interrupted for a quick legal ID only as 
if that were necessary. 1403-1404 dumped off the air. Even then, no co-channel 
QRM audible, due to poor extracontinental propagation, but BBC Seychelles is 
now scheduled at 13-17, alternating English, Somali and Swahili on westward 
beams, depending on the hour and the day. 

BTW, one column in HFCC shows the mode, D for analog and N for DRM, but WBCQ is 
one of few entries as T, which must mean USB, even tho there is no T anywhere 
in the words ``upper sideband`` (there is no N in ``digital`` either, but it`s 
from French = numérique; I don`t remember how they get D for ``analog``). I 
have not searched the entire register, but T is also listed for WJHR 15550, and 
WBCQ 9330 --- but not WBCQ on 5110; or 17495, which surely would be if really 
in use (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 18980, WYFR Spanish poor at 1445 April 10, // 15130. WYFR is now the 
sole worldwide occupant of this peculiar SWBC band, as IBB is no longer listed 
on 19010 from Kuwait. WYFR: 18930 at 1600-2200, 18980 at 1400-2145 (Glenn 

** VATICAN [non]. 9610, April 10 at 0256 in English, must be VR as scheduled 
from 0250 via Sackville, as I was scanning the band to find what few signals 
were still making it, unlike alleged Radio República on 9780 --- see CUBA 

I see that VR in Spanish and French until 0250 are via BONAIRE, so it should be 
interesting to monitor how well they switch sites, without overlap? SAC is 
unsuitable for French at 0230 since it`s too close to Québec; Bonaire no doubt 
inbooms there aimed 350 degrees, while English to follow is 240 degrees from 
SAC across the USA. And VR Spanish via Bonaire 0100-0230 emanates at 170 
degrees for CIRAF 12-15, i.e. all of S America, including the Southern Cone, an 
area abandoned by R. Nederland itself, except Patagonia = CIRAF 16 (Glenn 

** VIETNAM. As I was hearing R. Rossii on 5920, 5940, 7200, see RUSSIA, also 
found non // W&W Russian talk at 1256 April 10 on 7220, but 1257 to open 
carrier. Per Aoki it`s VOV in Russian, 100 kW, 27 degrees from Hanoi-Sontay so 
also USward, at 1230-1300 and also 1130-1200 (plus Chinese on same at 
1200-1230, 1300-1330). Do not see also INDIA 6165 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


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