And happy Easter ! 

all logs:

For 16th 

9710 RA? 0751 talk by OM in Eng , references to NZ but seems sports program 
.Signal just S0 // 11945  with S5 . ON 17th  with signal S1 //11945 S7 max

15715 Mashaal? 0801 strong signal S30  with news 

9510 IRRS 0804 with pop songs S6 35534 ID radio City the station of cars 

15195 V o Tatarstan 0852 OM with talks in Tatar and mention of Aznavour (as 
or the singer's name? ) S9 45544

15540 Huryaal 1530 "huna idaatu Sudan Huryaal" S9 32432  strong QRM from 15545

17725  Libya ? 1702 with news in French S10 many resf to revolution and Qadafi 
L V Afrique" 

9525 V o Ins 17123with prg in Spanish 1714 with IS  S6

6398.7 Pyongyang Pangsong 1721 YL: with talks  with very undermoded audio . Two 
FSK stations causing QRM . A total SINPO of 32331 Quite better reception in LSB 
with filter narrowing 

5010U+C Malagasy 1726 co QRMIng wit AIR & a carrier on +1.46 kHz . That time 
with songs . 32432 

15034.0U meteo from USA? 1825 S1  with preamp 

15190 R Pilipipnas & Inconfidencia 1827  fighting each other . Both with S9 on 
the 16H antenna 

9745 Afia Darfur 1924+ with a phone i discussion ion AR with possibly a doctor 
S10-20 //11830 S10 again ID on 1908 followed by music At 1929  a carrier starts 
late with CRI 

11945 (S10)//13800(S7)  on 1932 Hamada R in Arabic/Hausa with talks about Al 
Qaida , Libya ID on 1933

13590 CVC Africa 1950 with pop songs and ID S10 strong flutter 

5965  Shiokaze 2007 with talks in JJ. S9 with low modulation QRMed  by TRT  5960

6240 pirate 2016 with oldies S3 max 
6305 pirate 2011 a song of Abba  S3 max 

15235 & 15330 (R Canada Intl ? )  unIDed on 2025 a discussion about Google and 
its global marketing policies though mostly referred to USA 

15420 unIDed   with theme 'leaving  abt aggressive Christianity'  a web address 
2030 stopped a phone ..673xx5  , 'activist 3'  prg   YL in a wording system 
similar to weather reports of a meteor station...  S5 max , USB with suppressed 
! WBCQ the planet per Eibi 

15825  WWCR 2036  with nice S9 signal . Pastor  with very pathetic wording 

12175  VoR 2040 in FR with ID. However this seems  to me as splatter signal , 
nearly FMish though uncopy-able to my radio's Fm demodulator ! S7 with main 
on 12030 

11855 Possibly Marti? (WYFR per Eibii)2044  with mentions of Cuba etc . QRMed  
by a digital steam  S7

11650 unIDed (Damal per Eibi and Aoki )2055 with HoA songs  from the same 
musical group . several audio dropouts . Many songs refr to Sudan  most of them 
quite lengthy  . Passes ToH with music. One interesting song  was 'Saya ya 
Afirca i saya' 2120 s off I enjoyed all this program till sign off with pumpkin 
seeds ! . Next  day  (17)again heard 2123 with the prev mentioned song at the 
end of the program but sign off before program ID occurred .... Eibi  shows 
-2130 ON 18th on past 1930  was QRMed by a station with german prg 

9835  RTM  still audible on 2148  wit Malay folk songs as Balqis of Siti 
Nurhaliza and Noraniza IDris  S4 

15720.05 RNZi 2202 with news  (?)S0 Better signal on Hor antenna 

4845.25 unIDed  but seems quite under modulated S5 

For 17th 

11725 RNZI 0610 talks abt Harakiri

11885 Xinjiang PBS 0857  with adverts S2 

9870 Vivid Bharti 1255 with Hindi songs , Id at 120013 S0 14322

9860 R Tirana 2116  Albanian sce , wir a song , Tirana Elbasan road . s8 45333

For 18th 
15415 RA Indonesian sce 0414 with  tel numbers  and ID S5 

15515 RA? 0417 with commentaries S4 24333 

For 19th 
9670 Miraya 0359 with a quite poor signal of S5 max and no spurs on 9430 or 
10000  struggling in between two stronger  Brazilians in nearby freqs of ca 
S8-9  . Yes  i found the program to be same as in previous day : Eng news on 
TOH  a  foreign  song at 0410+  then talk in Arabic 

9885 Family radio 0359 with their IS 'to gor with the glory' , Ao 0403 with prg 
in Spanish 

15785 !! CRI(??) 0422 about  education in China S0 14232 

For 20 th 

9645  Bandeirantes 0358 with discussions and signal S4-5  At 0359 Vatican radio 
nulled them out 

9630 Brazilian (Aparecida) 0425 with news headlines S3 24x22

4790 unIDEd  with S7! . A religious  type program , or possibly from a church . 
Look at the  attached file  Suppose LV Salvacion ?? 
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