CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba   RHC   11840  2216 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 6  OM with 
comments.      MacKenzie-CA..

GREECE   Foni Tis Helladas   12105  2230 GMT  Greek  444  Sept 6  Two OMs with 
comments.      MacKenzie-CA..

JAPAN   Radio Japan  NHK   13640  2235 GMT  Japanese  333  Sept 6  YL and OM 
with comments.      MacKenzxie-CA..

SPAIN   Radio Exterior Espana   REE   15110  2247 GMT  Spanish  444  Sept 6  
Band  Music Drums.  OMs with comments 2248 GMT.  OM singing 2248 GMT.  OM with 
comments  2252 GMT.  Suddenly off the air 2255 GMT.      Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee   WWCR-2   9350  2205 GMT  English  333  Sept 6  OM 
with comments plus a YL often.      MacKenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, No Carolina   Radio Marti   11930   2220 GMT   Spanish   333  
Sept 6  Two OMs  with comments.  Frequency is also Jammed.      Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Alabama    WEWN   12050  2223 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 6  OM with 
comments.  YL with comments 2224 GMT  //13830 [444].      MacKenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee    WWCR-3   13845  2242 GMT  English  444  Sept 6  YL 
with comments from the Bible.      MacKenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

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