ASCENSION    BBCWS   7375  0344 GMT  English  333  Sept 17  YLs singing plus an 
OM at times.    Mackenzie-CA..

BULGARIA   Radio Bulgaria   7300  0355 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 17  YL and OM 
with comments.      Mackenzie-CA..

CANADA  Relay   Voice of Vietnam  VOV   6175  0410 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 17  
YL with comments.      Mackenzie-CA..  

COSTA RICA   REE Relay   6125  0415 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 17  Two YLs in a 
conversation.  Also an OM with comments 0416 GMT.      Mackenzie-CA..

CUBA   Radio Havana Cuba   RHC    6180  0406 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 17  YL 
singing in a YLs group.      Mackenzie-CA..

INDIA   All India Radio  AIR   7360  0345 GMT   Indian   333  Sept 17  YL 
singing followed by YL with comments. 0350 GMT.      MacKenzie-CA..

JAPAN   NHK   7395  0326 GMT  Swahili   444  Sept 17  YL singing.  OM with 
comments 0330 GMT.  YL with comments 0335 GMT.  Also an OM with comments.      

NETHERLANDS   Japan NHK Relay   6195  0403 GMT  Spanish  433  Sept 17  Two OMs 
with comments.  YL with comments 0405 GMT.      Mackenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

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