QSL Media Broadcast for Pan American Broadcasting 15205 kHz
Received this eQSL from Media Broadcast for Pan American Broadcasting
program via Madagascar on 15205 kHz for an email to
qsl-shortw...@media-broadcast.com Bill Harms / DX SOCIETY (The world of

QSL de Family Radio 11920 kHz
Recibida QSL de Family Radio por informe de recepción del 28 de Septiembre
2.015 entre las 01:00 a 01:40 UTC por la frecuencia de 11.920 Khz en la
banda de 25 metros. (Relay de WRMI).
Informe de recepción enviado por email a: espa...@familyradio.org y
recibida QSL física en 30 días.
Nestor Vargas / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

QSL-card All India Radio - Jaipur , 4910 kHz
4910 kHz: All India Radio, Jaipur, QSL-card received in 40 days, after sent
a RR to spectrum-mana...@air.org.in . Listened in São Bernardo SP BRAZIL
GG66rg, rx: Tecsun S-2000, ant.: Magnetic Loop AOR LA-400 (indoor use).
Distance from Jaipur to São Bernardo SP: 14274 km, S = 2.
More: http://dxways-br.blogspot.com .
Rudolf Grimm / QSL CHASERS


 QSL FEBA Radio - India - Via Trincomalee, Sri Lanka 9775 kHz


FEBA Radio - India - Via Trincomalee, Sri Lanka - Hindi and Malayalam
service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, via
remote receiver locatet in The Natherlands. Date: October 31, 2015; between
1330 - 1400 UTC, on the frequency 9775 KHz (Short Waves) - SINPO: 45444 (No
interference detected) - Equipment utilized: Computer connected with Web
SDR system (Remote receiver located in the University of Twente, Enschede,
The Netherlands, and Antenna Mini-Whip, PAORTD) - Received e-QSL and
programme guide, in just 11 days after sent RR by email.- V/S: Kenneth
Edward (Head - Programme) - QTH's: kenn...@febaindia.org /

José Maranhão / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)



QSL Bible Voice Broadcasting 7310 kHz


Bible Voice Broadcasting - Via Issoudun, France - Arabic service - Listened
in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in August 18, 2015;
between 0310 - 0315 UTC, on the frequency 7.310 KHz (41 m.). SINPO: 45444
(No interference detected) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL
660 and Antenna Long wire (12, 5 meters) - Received: QSL card, in 87 days
after sent reception report by email!.- V/S: No V/S - QTH:

José Maranhão / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

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