QSL KTWR - Asia 7505 kHz
Station : KTWR - Asia
Listened : 22-Dec-15
Time : 15:15 - 15:45 UTC
Frequency : 7505 kHz
eQSL Received : 21-Jan-16
Email : i...@twr.in
Sandipan Basu Mallick / ‎DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL WWV, Fort Collins 15000 kHz
Station : WWV, Fort Collins
Listened : 12-Dec-2015
Time : 16:08 - 16:25 UTC
Frequency : 15000 kHz
QSL Received : 20-Jan-2016
Email : nist.ra...@boulder.nist.gov, w...@nist.gov

Sandipan Basu Mallick‎ / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

QSL Radio Free Asia 9455 kHz
Station: Radio Free Asia
Listened : 02-Jan-16
Time : 16:35 - 16:58 UTC
Frequency : 9455kHz
QSL Received : 20-Jan-16
Email : q...@rfa.org
Sandipan Basu Mallick‎ / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL Reach Beyond Australia 15340 kHz
Station : Reach Beyond Australia
Listened : 03-Jan-2016
Time : 13:15 - 13:30 UTC
Frequency : 15340kHz
eQSL Received : 18-Jan-16
Email : ra...@reachbeyond.org.au
Sandipan Basu Mallick‎ / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL Radio Capodistria, Slovenia 1170 kHz
Station : Radio Capodistria, Slovenia
Listened : 16-Jan-16
Time : 17:55 - 18:10 UTC
Frequency : 1170 kHz
eQSL Received : 17-Jan-16
Email : antonio.ro...@rtvslo.si
Sandipan Basu Mallick / ‎DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL Radio Waves International, France 6070 kHz
Station : Radio Waves International, France
Listened : 08-Nov-15
Time : 07:00 - 07:58 UTC
Frequency : 6070kHz
eQSL Received : 18-Jan-16
Email : rwa...@free.fr

Sandipan Basu Mallick‎ / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
QSL Voice of Turkey, Persian Service 9530 kHz
Station : Voice of Turkey, Persian Service
Listened : 04-Dec-15
Time : 16:00 - 16:53 UTC
Frequency : 9530 kHz
QSL Received : 13-Jan-16
Email : t...@trt.net.tr
Sandipan Basu Mallick /  ‎DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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