TAJIKISTAN   Today a VERY TINY MINI signal like threshold level
of TJK domestic Radio at Dushanbe Yangi Yul
heard on exact 4765.000 kHz,
around 14.00 - 14.30 UT on various remote SDRs in Spain, Italy, Hungary,
Sweden, Moscow Russia, Delhi, and Japan.

Something is WRONG at Dushanbe, maybe also problems with main power current
transformer ?

Night temperatures predicted in +2 to +5 cC temperatur range their.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jari Savolainen jari.savolai...@pp8.inet.fi [dxld]"
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [dxld] 4765 KHz Tajik offest

I wonder if their 3x harmonic around 14295 is
still audible. For years it was more or less regular
here in Finland. My receiver is disconnected atm.

73 Jari Savolainen, Finland

On 30.11.2016 23.18, 'Wolfgang Bueschel' dg1...@t-online.de [dxld] wrote:

A lot of DX friends worldwide sent me their RRs in past 3-4 days, and
report about technical faulty transmissions of Dushanbe TJK, especially
on 60 mb.

I guess one of their high-power modern TXs is now on repair work,

and an older USSR era alternate transmitter is NOW in use on 60 mb,
its odd frequency of +68 to 69 Hertz oddity, like a 50 kW unit ...
Signal strength today,
in South and SoEaAsia is much weaker than usual in past decades.

73 wolfy

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