Uggh, I've been pulling my hair out over crackling I'm hearing on the HF/SW
bands for the last month or so.

It'd gotten to the pointed where most of HF was unlistenable. I'd put an AM
Broadcast filter in line and that didn't seem to negate anything even in
the slightest. I switched out a few cables and tuner, didn't help.

So I pulled out the cards one by one in my JRC NRD535D, inspecting them for
any burnt odor or appearance. Nope, so I reseated them.. and viola, the
problem seemed to go away.

Well, it started coming back again. So, I put another radio in it's place
and it still happened.

So, I did the only thing left that I hadn't done yet and unplugged my
Wellbrook ALA100LN giant magnetic loop.. and boom, the noise is gone.

Somewhere, something has gone faulty in the Wellbrook. I'm getting some
Deoxit in the mail and will spray down/clean off a few things and see if
it's just a rusty connection somewhere.. it sounds kinda "rusty" or dirty
somewhere if you know what I mean?

The only constant between all of this is the Wellbrook, when I got rid of
that from the equation, the noise went away.

I don't think it's heat because the two Wellbrook boxes are pretty well
shielded These things have been outside in the rain, so I suspect water has
gotten to something that shouldn't

I'm also going to replace the cabling between the antenna and the radio
gear and replace the actual antenna wire too.

This has been driving me crazy because it's ruining my HF/SW reception. I
can't think of anything else it could be besides the Wellbrook so now I
just have to figure out EXACTLY what's wrong with the Welbrook.,

FYI, this is what I have:
my antenna wire is 25 feet long by 10 feet tall and in the shape of a
volleyball net magnetic loop antenna.
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