The wellbrook gear is powered by 8 d batteries in a battery holder, sorry I
didnt make that clear.   Only thing using mains power is the radio(s)

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 2:06 PM, 'Allan Dunn, K1UCY' [badx] <> wrote:

> Are you sure it is not power line related which the Wellbrook picks up?  A
> faulty lightning protector on the power line may cause this.  Impacted by
> the rain.
> On 10/16/2017 1:14 PM, 'Paul B. Walker, Jr.'
> [badx] wrote:
> Uggh, I've been pulling my hair out over crackling I'm hearing on the
> HF/SW bands for the last month or so.
> __._,_.___
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