We got to support this hobby somehow.....  it is what it is... but im going
to enjoy it. I love radio... its what i do for a living, commercially too~

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 5:13 PM, John Spicer <pigboy1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Paul
>     Your thought, "but to me there is something really cool about hearing
> a radio station from many many many thousands of miles away." kinda hit the
> nail on the head. Yes shortwave may be dwindling but there is so much more
> out there  that there is never a dull moment. Thanks for your post and keep
> on posting. Nice video too.
> John
> On Wednesday, November 1, 2017 11:38 AM, "'Paul B. Walker, Jr.'
> walkerbroadcast...@gmail.com [primetimeshortwave]" <primetimeshortwave@
> yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> People complain that there's nothing but talk, religion and politics left
> on Shortwave. I choose to listen to 90.4 Oman FM on shortwave because it is
> something different. We have to support the stations we have left on
> Shortwave or soon what little we have will begin disappearing.
> Let the stations you listen to know you're listening. Even if they don't
> always answer back, trust me, they've noticed you're writing and have
> notice that you're listening
> One station or another on Shortwave may not be exactly what you're after
> but open your mind a bit and you'll find something to enjoy.
> Wether you or others want to admit it, Shortwave is slowly dwindling and
> with good reason. Technology, smartphones, internet and etc.. sure there
> are countries where internet is expensive/slow or heavily censored but can
> an organization afford to spend hundreds of thousands a year for what may
> be a few hundred listeners a month? Lets face it, we in the US are lucky...
> we have my money and the ease of access much better listening equipment. A
> moderately sized portion of what we hear like Radio New Zealand
> International, Radio Australia and BBC is just spill over from being in an
> area for a good second hop. We were never in the stations target area.
> Sure, the BBC and others have ceased targeting the US on SW, and why should
> they? For a few hundred listeners when much better high quality tech is out
> there?
> Some ask why I listen to shortwave at all when I could listen on a
> smartphone app in many cases? I do listen to Oman FM via their Smartphone
> app from time to time, but to me there is something really cool about
> hearing a radio station from many many many thousands of miles away.
> Anyways, it was another fantastic signal and good audio today Nov 1 at
> 1510UTC from my favorite shortwave relay, 90.4 Oman FM via 15140khz
> (100,000 watts) in Thumrait, Oman 🇴🇲 Oman FM is an english language
> hit/pop music station with some classic tracks tossed in and the Thumrait
> shortwave site on 15140khz, 12015khz, 9540khz, 13660khz relays Oman as well
> as others. Both the FM and SW stations are owned by the sultanate Of Oman
> government.
> Here's a short video of 15140khz this morning, November 1st at 1510UTC
> https://player.vimeo.com/video/240844962
> I should note that 15140khz has been alot better as of late.. noticeably
> better. Even after I upgraded my antenna early this summer there were days
> were the signal was poor and audio was way down in the noise. But, for the
> last few weeks, its been anywhere between fair to excellent.
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------
> Posted by: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <walkerbroadcast...@gmail.com>
> ------------------------------
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