** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RCUSB, Jan 19 at 1526, LRA36 is on again this
Wednesday; I missed checking last week. Apparently RNASG continues
with weekly broadcasts, no complete summer hiatus. Songs at S4 into
Pardinho, Brasil SDR. 1531 full IDs, about to close around usual time?
No, songs resume; 1545 fades down; 1553 Antártida song and
announcements; 1556 Antda. song again, 1600 announcement, 1605 song.
Difficult copy, noise level about equal. Pardinho SDR drops out at
1613 so I switch to Campo which is getting it at same level; 1626 is
it off? No, JBA talk, but 1634 seems gone, cannot even detect a
reduced carrier. 

In southern winter, local sunset could be a propagation factor, but
not now, per:
Today`s SR/SS in local time, which it claims is UT: 06:36-01:19. I`m
fairly sure they really = Argentime, which is UT -3, and no DST per
WRTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6060, Jan 19 at 0707, RHC is S9 of humbuzz only, no English.
6100 is S9+10/20 of dead air; 9700 is S9 of dead air; 5040 is S9+30
still on in Spanish. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauer, OK,

** ITALY. At 1618 UT January 19, Alfredo Cotroneo of NEXUS/IBA/IRRS
notified me: ``Hi Glenn, We just received the formal authorization to
use 1323 kHz. We'll start testing as of tonight, and will drop 918
kHz. 73s, Alfredo``

Monitoring via nearby Noale SDR from 1655 tune-in, 918 is off. *1656,
1323 comes on at S9+10 over CCI, with English ID as if on 918, ``have
a nice listening``! Lots more off & on at lower and higher levels past
1708, testing. Specifically: music until 1658 when level drops to S6
but same music still audible; 1700 jumps to S9+10 again for talk in
Italian; 1702 cuts power again after mentioning Boris Johnson. 1704
back to full power, 1707 off, 1708 on; rechecking later with music
until 1758* cuts off uncovering two weak signals making SAH of about 6
Hz. 1800 back on in Italian at S9+5, now CCI from two audios. 1803
Feature Story News from IRRS, but CCI from equal level alternately
overtaking, in Hungarian! That has to the the minority language
service from Romania as listed. At 1806 I recheck 918 kHz and find it
is back on now at S9+10, // 1323 with FSN and over CCI presumed
Madrid. At 1815, Hungarian dominates 1323 and wonder if Italy be off

Recheck much later, at 2255, 1323 is S9+10 with little QRM, 2258
Italian ID and timecheck as ``23:57``, a minute slow by CET. 918,
nominally closing by 2205* UT, bears nothing but Spain by now.

So this confirms AM Italia has two separate MW transmitters; WRTH 2022
shows 5 kW on 918, 1 kW on 1323. 

1323 co-channel? listed in WRTH: two UKs of 20 and 500 watts; 50 kW
Iran in Azeri at 0030-2030; 15 kW from Romania, see if you can figure
out the schedule from page 334; 10 kW from Tanzania, 1500-1800 only
with CRI English relay; China with 9 stations totaling 1360 kW! plus
more minor stations in Asia and Pacific. Management must have expected
a net improvement in coverage by moving from 918 to 1323. For
groundwave of course, higher frequency and lower power assure reduced
coverage. Quite aside from the CCI and ACI situations. BTW, nothing
heard on LW 207.

1323 ex-918 will of course affect WORLD OF RADIO times: Fri 1915 &
2130, Sun 2100 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 9690, Wed Jan 19 at 2317, token English from REE finally
airs a new irregular mailbag or ``DX program`` in progress, Justin Coe
responding to four listeners, all of them well-known to us --- small?
world; already in progress, first heard, Alan Roe as of Dec 19
requesting holiday program details to be publicized --- sorry, there
weren`t any and on Dec 25 and Jan 1, plugged into domestic RNE anyway.
Next from Bruce Li (Lee) in Australia with report requesting QSL --
I`ve also had a report from him. As to REE QSLing, Justin is still
looking into this ``pending issue``. Next from Alan Holder, Isle of
Wight with program requests/suggestions including about Spain being a
main miner of toxic mineral mercury. Then from John [``the VORW``]
Jurasek, Orlando FL, who mentions that he has been very sick with
COVID. Justin and we all hope he`s much better by now. A sesquiminute
of music fill until timesignal. Monitored at S9/+10, VG into Maryland
SDR. No telling when the next mbg will show up nor on which DOW. John
Figliozzi says it`s now titled `Radio Waves` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Jan 19 at 2316, quick check of VOT English into
UTwente: S9+25/30 but today`s transmitter is the one with horrible
squeal, detracting from the sufficient modulation level: starting
``Health Line``, but topic unclear. Something`s always erroneous at
Emirler. I quickly switch to loud & clear SPAIN, q.v. (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2121 monitoring: ``From:  Richard
Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening
Post, Radio:  JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna:  random long wires in the
trees. Dear Glenn: World of Radio #2121, confirmed, below with
details, location, St. Albert, Alberta, Details:

5850, signal 30 level, 0130, 0143, 0156 (55444), (55445), 0159,
January 14 UT [Fri]

7730, stormy conditions, noisy, later better, 0059, 7730 kHz, Jan 16
UT 2022 [Sun]

7730, QRN, 0040, 0044 (45443), 0059, January 17 UT 2022 [Mon]

9395, 0130, 0144 (45343),0144, January 17 UT 2022 [Mon]

9955, radar noise, QSB fading, 2330, 2359 (45433), January 18 UT 2022

5850, slight QRN, 1030, 1059 (55444), (55433), Jan 19 UT 2022 [Wed]
(Lemke, Richard -AB)``

Confirmed Wednesday January 19 at 1030 on WRMI 5850, VG direct on the
PL-880 when I happen to awaken. 

Attentive to Pres. Biden`s news conference, I missed checking Wed Jan
19 at 2200:21 on WBCQ 7490v --- but at 2237, NO signal on that
frequency, while 6160- and 9330.0 are confirmed. Also, at 2302, no
7490 into Maryland SDR, altho webcast is running. Did anyone hear WOR
before 2229:21 on 7490+? Next, and last:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
support. Thanks this week to a generous anonymous contributor via
PayPal, not necessarily in US funds to: woradio at yahoo.com
and who says, ``Thanks Again for another great year, Glenn!``

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702.

New WOR 2122 should be ready early UT Fri Jan 21 for downloads and
first airings at 0130 on WRMIs 5850 & 7780. See also ITALY (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 2355 UT January 19
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