** CUBA. 5025, Jan 19 at 0727, S9+10 of dead air from R. Rebelde; all
RHC frequencies are off. It seems lately they have not been kept going
after 0700. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. The Other Side:


Those who left... are no longer building Cuba --- More than a quarter
of a million Cubans abandoned the island last year, and the vast
majority were young people, many of them highly educated.
RAFAELA CRUZ |La Habana --- Ruins in Havana. (Diario de Cuba) 

A simple walk through Havana — at the risk of twisting an ankle in a
hole in the sidewalk, or a skull fracture from a falling shard from a
balcony — is enough to appreciate the state of the country's physical
capital: its streets, factories and machines are crumbling, from
poverty. Cuba is falling apart.

But Cuba is also moving apart too, as if pieces of the island were
breaking off to float to more fertile shores, with more than a quarter
of a million Cubans leaving the island last year, the vast majority
young people from an aging country, and many highly educated, seeking
to blossom far from the people whose efforts paid for their studies...
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Jan 19 at 0729, JBA carrier from R. Kiribati,
again the only 9/kHz split detectable (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR0

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, Thu Jan 19 after 1600 UT, KUCO-FM with weekly
`Spotlite on the Arts` at its traditional time, interviews about
upcoming OKC performances, Kimberly Powell and guest about Mozart`s
Requiem this weekend. SOTA continues to be unshown on KUCO program
schedule, rather `Performance Today` M-F during this hour. I was
wondering what happened to it. Website also has nothing new about its
content. Jeff Hagy, new GM had been hosting it. For years before, it
was a remote from the OKC Museum of Art but apparently not any more.
Not necessarily for full hour, depending on number of guests, then
back to music (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** U A E. 9840.106, Jan 19 at 0324, way off-frequency carrier with
flutter, S4/S6, maybe trace of music. Vietnam comes to mind as a
traditional skewed frequency, but EiBi & Aoki show that not on
``9840`` until 1000-2400. At this hour 0300-0500, it has to be BBC in
Arabic to ME via Al-Dhabbiya (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2173 monitoring: confirmed UT Thursday
January 19 at 0130 on WRMIs, into Maryland SDR: 9395 S9+22; 5010

WORLD OF RADIO 2174 contents: Angola, Antarctica, Argentina, Austria,
Belgium, Brasil, Canada and non, Chile, China, Cuba, (France), Israel
and non, Korea South, Madagascar, México, Mongolia, Norfolk Island,
Perú, Turkey, UK, USA, Vanuatu, unID 5051; wireless charging of EVs;
propagation outlook (country mentioned along with another not in

WORLD OF RADIO 2174 available from 0125 UT January 20

(mp3 stream) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2174.m3u
(mp3 download) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2174.mp3

Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html
Also linx to podcast services.

The shortwave+ broadcasts should be: 

0330 UT Friday WRMI 7780 to SW
1530 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE [webcast only?][jammed by Cuba?]
2130 UT Friday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
0500 UT Saturday WBCQ Radio Angela 5130v to WSW 
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2230 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530]
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW [canceled?]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support
is appreciated. Thanks this week to Chris KC5IIE Krug, Tulsa OK, who
says, ``Thanks for your dedication to the SWL community, Glenn! Happy
New Year!`` with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com -
in US funds but not necessarily.

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9395 // 9455 // 4980, Jan 19 at 0328, Ted is preaching
during `WRMI Legends` on three frequencies at once; skedgrid shows
9395 added 03-04 UT M-F only. This thing is creeping later, also
reported 05-06 on 15770 instead of scheduled Israel Radio, which
presumably came via WRN as scheduled daily that hour. So much for a
rare temporary chance to hear KAN on SW; however, midnite propagation
on 15 MHz is problematic, and the other frequency 7730 remains
imaginary (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 7890, Jan 19 at 0724, JBA carrier from R. Vanuatu, and a
slightly stronger one on 11835. Manuel Méndez and Ron Howard report it
was on 3945 plus harmonics before 0700 instead of 7260; probably due
to tropical cyclone Irene warnings, and Ron says open carriers from
all three were still on at 1526 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1470.028 approx., Jan 19 at 0734 UT, het upon 1470
stations. Nothing nearby in MWOffsets (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0144 UT January 20
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