            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up tonight - where did the bailout money go?

The Associated Press contacted 21 banks that got at least $1 billion in 
taxpayer bailout money, but not one provided accounting of where the money 
went. Is there any accountability here? We'll ask CNBC's Jim Cramer to weigh in.

For the A.P. story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/meltdown_secrets

Next - President-elect Obama is still drawing criticism from gay rights 
activists for inviting conservative Pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation 
at his inauguration. Was this a political move? MSNBC's Rev. Eugene Rivers and 
Gay activist Mike Rogers will give you their takes.

For more on the Warren reaction: 

And Cheney vs. Biden! Vice President Dick Cheney strongly defended his record 
and criticized his successor Joe Biden in a Fox News interview yesterday. We'll 
show you what he said and bring you reaction from the Hardball Strategists - 
Republican Todd Harris and Democrat Steve McMahon.

And in the Hardball Sideshow - what's the hottest shoe on the market right now? 
You won't want to miss this story!

Plus, we'll bring you the latest on Caroline Kennedy's bid for New York's 
Senate seat on tonight's Politics Fix. 

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" and MSNBC.com's Hardblogger. 

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