            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the President takes the offensive.

This afternoon, the President gave a major press conference covering a wide 
range of crucial national issues from healthcare to Iran to the economy. New 
polls indicate there's increased pressure on the President from the public on 
thes issues. What did the press conference accomplish? What's next for the 
White House? We'll play Hardball with Senior Advisor to the President, David 

For the transcript of the press conference, go to: 

Next up, in the press conference President Obama set out to alleviate concerns 
represented in new polls on healthcare and the economy. He also expressed a 
clear message on Iran's post-election chaos. We'll ask NBC News White House 
Correspondent Chuck Todd and Politico's Roger Simon for analysis of the press 

For more on the Presidential press conference go to:

Plus, the GOP has criticized President Obama on every front, from healthcare 
reform to his response on Iran. How will Republicans respond to the President's 
press conference? We'll ask Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) for her take.

For more on the GOP vs Obama fight on Iran, go to:  

And in the Politics Fix, we'll talk to MSNBC Political Analyst and Author of 
"Renegade" Richard Wolffe and Mother Jones Washington Bureau Chief David Corn 
about Governor Sanford's hike, Michelle Obama's entrance on the healthcare 
debate, the DC Metro disaster and the rest of the day's political news.
For more on the day's political events, go to: 

Also, be sure to to tune in for Hardball's tribute to the legendary Ed McMahon.

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