            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Massachusetts has a new Senator!

Today, former Democratic Party Chairman Paul Kirk Jr. became Massachusetts' new 
Senator to replace the late Ted Kennedy and become the Democrats' 60th Senator. 
 We'll discuss this development Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA).

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32999189/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Next up, a "new era" of diplomacy.

All this week at the UN, President Obama has stressed a diplomatic reengagement 
with the world. His efforts have had some failure as Israel's settlement 
expansion continues but there were successes as Obama has made large gains in 
improving relations with Russia. Will this new "era" work in the long run? 
We'll play Hardball with former Newt Gingrich Press Secretary Tony Blankley and 
Center for American Progress' Jennifer Palmieri.

For more, go to: 

Plus, We love New York: the political fight over Governor David Paterson (D-NY).

Recently, the White House allegedly inserted itself into the gubernatorial race 
in New York. Should the White House be intervening on a race if it doesn't 
approve of the candidate? We'll analyze the politics of the New York 
gubernatorial race with NY Post's Fred Dicker and NY1 Senior Political Reporter 
Dominic Carter.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32957752/ns/politics-more_politics/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Washington Post.com's Chris Cillizza and Daily 
Beast's Jon Conason will join us to talk about Bill Clinton's media blitz, Paul 
Kirk being picked for Kennedy's seat, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 


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