            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Iran ups its ante.

In the wake of a newly revealed nuclear site, Iran capped off military 
exercises with missile tests capable of reaching Israel and Europe.  How will 
President Obama respond? Will Israel use military strikes on the nuclear sites? 
We'll discuss the Iran situation with AEI Resident Scholar Michael Rubin and 
Time.com's Intelligence Columnist Bob Baer.  

For more, go to: 

Next up, conspire like its 1994? 

On NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, former President Bill Clinton claimed that 
the vast right wing conspiracy that he believes existed in 1994 is still "as 
virulent as it was" during his presidency.  Have things changed since 1994? Who 
benefits from highlighting fringe elements? We'll play Hardball with former 
Clinton Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers and MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032608/vp/33044198#33044198

Plus, forget it, Jake. It's the arrest of Roman Polanski?

Famous film director Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland on the 
32-year-old charges that he had sex with a 13-year-old girl. He is vowing to 
fight extradition charges and has the support of France and Poland. Former 
prosecutor Wendy Murphy and former Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown (D) will 
join us to debate the arrest and possible extradition of Polanski.  

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Washington Bureau Chief of USA Today Susan Page 
and New York Daily News' Tom Defrank will join us to pay tribute to the 
legendary William Safire and to analyze whether this is the best time for 
President Obama's trip to Denmark to pitch the Olympics in Chicago.

For more, go to: 

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