Then it should be straightforward to track this information with GT.M.

Mupip journal -extract creates an extract from GT.M journal files.  Some
potentially useful qualifiers are:

-g[lobal] to select globals of interest (or exclude globals not of

-u[ser] to select/exclude users

-id to select/exclude process ids

-t[ransaction] to select/exclude update types (Set/Kill)

-be[fore] -af[ter] and -si[nce] to limit the extract in time.

There is an entire chapter devoted to journaling in the Admin and Ops
Guide, as well as technical bulletins on more recent information since
the last edition was published.

Note that we also recommend turning on process accounting / logging at
the operating system level (and all GT.M processes are regular
UNIX/Linux/VMS processes).

-- Bhaskar

On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 10:30, steven mcphelan wrote:
> VistA does track this information sort of in Cache.  If the journal file
> does have the $J value associate with the record, then you can back track
> that $J value via the Kernel Sign-on log.  Between the date and time and $J,
> you can determine which user was signed on for that transaction.

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