I must say that 99% of my frustrations come from the difficulty of finding and reading the documentation. For instance, I had no idea what the 'Add a User' command was when I started. The VA has a great volume of documentation online, but it is broken up by cryptic module names. I had to scan through each and every file on the site until I found something that looked like it might work. Luckily, Nancy sent me a document that had XUSERADD right at the top. Next, adding a patient... I don't know what module that would be in. I just want the command. After scanning a bunch (over 50) of possible docs, I found mention of DG ADD PATIENT. I tried that and it worked (of course, I still don't know what 10-10 Data is or how to add an outpatient).

Side note: You cannot easily search PDF and Word documents online. It would be SO much nicer if all the documents were in HTML.

I assume that the DG on DG ADD PATIENT means something to those who know the modules, but it means nothing to me because I haven't found a document that lists all the module names and what they do. I know that would be a huge list, but it could be made nicer by listing only the top 10 most used modules at the top. The same with the commands - a list of the top 20 most used commands (and what they do) would be nice.

Because I am a software engineer, I recognize the problem too well. This is like trying to convert a Windows user Linux (sans GUI). They may have used DOS and they know that 'dir' will list a directory, but that won't help them figure out that it is 'ls' in Linux. Once they figure out a few commands, telling them to read the man page is a waste of time because the manual is written specifically for those who already know how to use Linux, not for those trying to figure it out. The popularity of Linux is directly related to the translation of the manuals from tech-speak to plain English. I think that Vista has the ability to become more popular as the manuals are translated from cryptic module groups with cryptic file names into plain English. Also, like Linux, there is the version-specific threat. A document about using Fedora may give wrong information to a Debian user, just like a document about VistA might give wrong information to an OpenVista user.


Kevin Toppenberg wrote:


Well, my sympathies are with you.  I don't know if it
will help, but I compiled the following top level
menus into a supermenu called "adam".  It helped me
explore the menu options for registering patients,
having nurses add vitals etc.

You will have to ignore the "<Field" etc. stuff and
just look at the menu names.  You can create this menu
through the menu system (let me know if you need
further help in that direction) or you can enter the
data into the OPTIONS file directly.

Good luck.

<Field id="MENU/.01">EVE</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">EVE</Field>
<Field id="MENU/DISPLAY ORDER">1</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">ORMGR</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">CPRS</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">OR OE/RR MENU CLINICIAN</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">DOC</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">MAG SYS MENU</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">IMG</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">XUKEYMGMT</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">KEY</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">OR OE/RR MENU NURSE</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">NURS</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">FBAA MAIN MENU</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">PHAR</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">DG REGISTRATION MENU</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">REG</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">TMG TEXT MENU</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">TEXT</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">TIU MAIN MENU
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">TRAN</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">GMRVMGR</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">VITL</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">OR OE/RR MENU WARD CLERK</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">WARD</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">WVMENU</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">WO</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">YSMANAGER</Field>
<Field id="MENU/SYNONYM">YSM</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">ECTMGR</Field>
<Field id="MENU/.01">PX PCE CLINICIAN MENU</Field>

--- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've actually been attempting to get Vista to a
state where we can use it in production since last November. So, it is
almost a year now. It took a very long time to get it installed properly
because I didn't realize that M was picky about spacing and the
commands kept failing. I then had a major headache getting CPRS to allow
users to log in, but got that taken care of for all but one user. His last
name is Nida. I set him up the same as everyone else and on the old
install and the new one, he is the only one who cannot use CPRS. In the end,
firewall issues with CPRS made me give up on that and I'm back to
the basics - adding a patient, scheduling the patient, entering patient
visit and lab data. As for contracting this to someone else, that isn't
easily available. This is merely a grant study on setting up a
distributed EMR system for rural clinics. There isn't much money in it. The
choice of Vista came because so many of the people here work at the VA.

Kevin Toppenberg wrote:


It sounds like you are in the midst of doing a
production installation. That is going to be
difficult if you are learning the system as you go.

Have you thought about contracting with one of the
support companies to help with the installation,
education etc. etc. process. I have been working


the system for 6-9 months now, and am just starting


get comfortable with the system. I wonder if you


biting off too much at one time. We'll help you as


can, but it takes time.


--- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I will send you what I can this week. I currently
know how to log in. I have until the end of the week to learn how to


clerks, nurses, and providers. Then, get the clerks to enter patients
and schedule visits. Then, get the nurses and providers to enter data


those patients. I hope to be able to do all that in the next few


but as this has been an uphill battle for months on end, I'm not
very optimistic.

Steve Wagner wrote:

I've been following this thread with interest,


because of the

puzzle of getting CPRS to run with various

security schemes in place,

but because of CS Wagner's (no relation) comment

early on that:

"...it is my understanding that CPRS does


allow you to add


It seems like what to do after installation and

before CPRS is my

problem, just as appears to be CS Wagner's


I've successfully installed the Cache Vista


to the very nice

Hardhats installation instructions, but now am at

a complete loss

because I don't know what to do next. I finally

got it that I needed

to add some users with appropriate menu


so that I could

start using the subsystems, but where do I start?

In other words, it seems like the installation

instructions or the

getting started documentation or the original

cache.dat ought to

provide a little bit more in terms of basic

configuration stuff, or am

I missing something obvious?

If I want to start entering patients after

installation, what are

steps A, B, C to be able to do that?

A demo database would be nice--I've seen some

stuff on the web

authored by Rick Marshall about the Whoville

scrambled database

project, but it doesn't appear to be in existence

yet. I've been in

touch with my local VA folks (Seattle) to find


if they had any

de-identified data I could start with but they

don't. We are trying to

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