I know that this is easy, but I'm still working on understanding the menu setup for users. Right now, I have been able to get VistA accepted as SSH only (no CPRS). I also got it past the security issues. There is a single SSH username/pass for the entire clinical group and a user for each person in the group. The users click on the VistA icon which starts up the SSH program and logs in automatically, taking them right to the ACCESS CODE prompt. They log in and get:
Core Applications
Device Management
Menu Management
Programmer Options
Operations Management
Spool Management
System Security
Taskman Management
User Management
FM VA FileMan
HL7 Main Menu
Manage Mailman

They type Core Applications to get to a prompt that lets them do the common work of admitting patients, entering vitals, writing prescriptions, and so on. I would like that Core Applications menu to be the first menu they see. Also, I would like to customize it for each role. For instance, a clerk would see:
Enter a Patient
Schedule a Patient
View Schedule

Then, a nurse would see
 Enter Vitals
 View Vitals
 Enter Lab Data

A provider would see
 Enter Vitals
 View Vitals
 Order Lab
 Enter Lab Data
 Enter Prescription
 View Prescriptions

Those are just examples. But, I think it explains what I'm being asked to do. It is coming from a Unix/Windows Server point of view. The users are in groups or roles. The groups/roles decide what menu items they can see. When they log in, they get the primary menu for their group/role.


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