Someone like Wally Fort, Chris Richardson or Rick Marshall may want to
step in with the facts, but as I remember it, when VistA runs on GT.M on
Linux, the machine name as reported by the Linux command "hostname -s".
If that is correct, then yes, you should be able to move your database
files (.dat files), global directory, and routines from one machine to
another simply by copying them (or with a backup, if you want to do this
while VistA is running on the first machine - indeed, you will be doing
something similar next Wednesday).

Before you move database files, a mupip rundown would be appropriate.

-- Bhaskar

On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 16:54 -0800, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> If I perform a configuration on machine A, can I copy
> my mumps globals and dat files to machine B and have
> it work?
> I used to think no, because I thought that the name of
> the machine was stored somewhere.  But I can't find
> where it is stored, and it looks like functions just
> call GETENV^%ZOSV to get the machine name.
> So could I do a base installation that others could
> use?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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