Cameron Schlehuber wrote:
>Rich makes an excellent case for the kind of changes that would lead to a
>higher probability of success.  Here are a couple of articles that describe
>to a "T" many of the reasons how and why we succeeded with DHCP, ne VistA
>(years ago when packages were re-tooled every 6 to 18 months) . and are
>terribly bogged down today, some 12 years after a "no new versions"
>direction and some 6 years after "a single Waterfall is the only SDLC
>[Software Development Life Cycle] to be used."

The utter inappropriateness of the Waterfall model for the development and 
maintenance of
complex long lived information systems is painfully and blindingly obvious. 
There must be
literally thousands of examples in VistA alone of the ongoing need to modify 
and data structures (sometimes drastically) to meet changes in new technology, 
regulatory and administrative requirements, in user capabilities and 
expectations, in the
practice of medicine, in the understanding of the problems to be solved, and in 
understanding of how the whole system is put together and how it could be made 
easier to
develop and maintain to meet future needs.

These quotes from the first article that Cameron referenced seem especially 

"In any language, they should design with the expectation that it’s going to 
substantial refactoring within a couple of years or less"

"there is no process on earth where the requirements don’t change, and if 
you’re in a
waterfall process, they probably change by the time you get to implementation. 
So you
pretty much need to start refactoring as soon as you finish."

“An evolutionary design done right is about the best service you can do for a 
maintenance costs over its lifetime”

"If management does not see it as a problem, then no matter how good and 
effective the
technical solutions are, they will never be implemented and we will carry on 
building our

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis

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